Chapter Four

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I took a shower, and got dressed then left for school. I went through the day then went to TM. I walked into the office and Gemma was looking at a wedding book.

Me: hey Gem need any help?
Gemma: no
Me: okay. I'm heading over to CareCare to see if they need any help.
Gemma: alright doll I'll tell Hap if he asks.
Me: alright.

I went to CareCare and Lyla showed me how to work a camera and I already new how to edit videos. I was there until late then went home. I took a shower, made dinner, and cleaned up alittle around the house. Happy came home, ate then took a shower. I finished my homework then went to bed. I woke up the next morning and went to school then help Gemma around TM but I didn't expect my dad to show up.

Dad: are you coming home?
Me: no.
Dad: this came in the mail for you.

He throw a big envelope on the desk in front of me.

Me: what is this?
Dad: no idea. I didn't open it.
Me: thanks. I'll get my address changed.
Dad: just please tell me your not living here?
Me: nope.
Dad: alright.

He left and I opened the envelope. It was stuff for a college I applied for at the beginning of the year. A full scholarship. I put it in my bag and started doing homework. I went home, made dinner and finished my homework. I was looking through everything and was excited but I didn't know if I wanted to go anymore. Happy walked in and sat down.

Happy: what's this?
Me: I was accepted into a really good college.
Happy: do you wanna go?
Me: I don't know anymore.

He walked over and picked me up. He sat down and I sat on his lap then we looked it over.

Happy: take it.
Me: I don't want to.
Happy: it's a really great deal. Little girl so take it.
Me: no I'm good.
Happy: I have some shit to do for the club.
Me: I'm going to bed.
Happy: alright.

I turned around and kissed him.

Happy: I'll be home when you get up for school.
Me: alright.

He pulled me too him and kissed me one last time.

Me: I love you.
Happy: I love you too little girl.

I changed into one of his shirts and climbed in bed. I woke up the next morning and got ready for school but Happy still wasn't home. I got out of the shower just as someone started knocking on my front door. I quickly pulled on a pair of leggings and Happy's hoodie. I opened the door and an ATF chick was standing infront of me.

Me: can I help you?
Her: Agent Stahl.
Me: what do you want?
Stahl: I have a few questions Mrs. Lowman.
Me: that's not my last name yet.
Stahl: then what is it?
Me: Miss. Rust.
Stahl: may I come in?
Me: no I'm getting ready to leave for school.
Stahl: how old are you?
Me: 18.
Stahl: do you know where Happy is?
Me: no he didn't come home last night.
Stahl: is this typical behavior for him?
Me: is that any of your business?
Stahl: where were you last night?
Me: where were you last night?
Stahl: well if you feel like talking here's my number.

She handed me a card and I just tore it up in front of her.

Stahl: what's a good girl like you doing with a bunch of outlaws?
Me: outlaws? Their just a bunch of mechanics that love their Harley's.
Stahl: funny how all you women say that.

I throw the card in the trash then shut my door in her face. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun then pulled on a pair of fuzzy boots. I did my make up then left for school but first I made a pit stop at TM. I walked over to the office and Gemma was looking around.

Me: hey is Hap here?
Gemma: no sweetheart that got arrested last night.
Me: oh. Do you know when their get out or why an ATF bitch was at my house this morning?
Gemma: no and what did she ask you and what did you say?
Me: I didn't tell her anything and she was just asking me where I was last night and why I was with Happy?
Gemma: what did you tell her?
Me: nothing just turned around and asked her the same thing then she gave me her number and I ripped it up in front of her.
Gemma: good girl.
Me: well I have to head to school.
Gemma: alright.

I went to school then headed over to TM. I helped Gemma and cleaned up around the shop. I went home and felt empty. This was the first time I was with Happy while he went to lock up. I went through the week and on Thursday night me, Tara, and Gemma were sitting around TM for some reason.

Me: so what up?
Tara: nothing.
Me: why are we just sitting here?
Gemma: just wait baby girl.
Me: waiting isn't my strong suit.
Tara: yeah with ADHD you never really sit still.

I turned to look at her and eyed her.

Me: how the fuck do you know I have ADHD?
Tara: I may have looked up your medical record.
Me: why?
Tara: I just wanted to know who you where.
Me: you could of just asked me.
Tara: would you have told the truth?
Me: yeah I would have. You two wanna know what else isn't in my medical files?
Tara: kinda yeah.
Me: I have depression, I'm suppose to be on so many medication that I get so dizzy and can't even think straight. I lost my virginity to one of my father's best friends but nobody believe me because he's a military man and that's against his code. I've been hit so many time that when someone raises their hand I'm afraid their gonna kill me.
Gemma: alright enough.
Me: no I've tried to kill myself ten times since I've turned 16 but why I stopped is cause I love Happy and I'm so fucking afraid to lose him cause I'd lose my only happiness in the fucking world.

I looked between them and had tears running down my face.

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