Chapter Twelve

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I was in full blown labor and it hurt like a son of a bitch. Tara and Gemma were in the room while I was in labor. Once I started pushing I was crying and screaming. I was in labor for 5 hours until they placed Ryker on my chest. I felt like everything was getting ripped out of me. I heard him cry and it made the whole world stand still.

Gemma: he's handsome babygirl.

After they cut the umbilical cord they took him away to get cleaned up and everything. I looked over and Tara was standing on my other side. I felt the stitches but all I was doing was starring at my baby boy.

Me: can I hold him?
Nurse: of course.

She placed him in my arms and I kissed his forehead. Tara smiled down at me. I don't remember much of what happened next beside Gemma grabbing Ryker and the whole world going black.

*Tara's P.O.V*

Gemma grabbed the baby and Blair started seizing so I pressed the nurse button and laid her flat on her back. The nurses ran in and made us get out.

Gemma: why could she be seizing?
Me: uhm reaction to the medican. Reaction to so much blood lost.
Gemma: okay.

A nurse came out and grabbed Ryker from Gemma and put him in the nursery. We sat in the waiting room until the nurse's came and told us she was okay. We walked back in and she was eating food.

Gemma: hey momma.
Blair: hey.
Me: what happened?
Blair: something dropped below normal and my body with pushing out Ryker and I reacted bad to it.
Me: well I'm happy your okay.
Blair: have you seen Ryker yet?
Me: yeah. He looks just like you.
Blair: bullshit. He's a Happy mini me.

A nurse came in pushing the thing baby's sleep in.

Blair: my baby boy.

The nurse picked him up out of the thing and handed him to Blair.

*Blair's P.O.V*

The second time I got to hold my son and I was loving it.

Name: Ryker Louis Lowman
Birthday: May 31st
Weight: 8 lbs. and 6 oz.
Length: 24 inches.
Head: 20 inches.
Chest: 21 inches

Gemma and Tara were standing over me watching me. I finished my food and a nurse came in telling me visiting hours are over and Ryker was gonna go sleep in the nursery tonight. They left and a couple hours later they took Ryker to the nursery and I went to bed. I woke up the next morning and was made to watch a bunch of videos and stupid shit then I got to fill out he's birth certificate and then we could go home. Tara came in got us then we went to TM. Everyone held him then we went home.

Tara: if you need anything call me.
Me: I will. Thank you.

We went to sleep that night and he woke up a couple times but other then that he was the perfect baby. They still had 7 months but with Ryker time flew bye. Happy called me one night while I was sitting on the couch.

Me- hey.
Happy- what's up?
Me- just taking care of our son.
Happy- don't bring him here.
Me- I wasn't going to.
Happy- alright. We only have a little longer then I get to meet my son.
Me- I know.
Happy- I love you little girl.
Me- I love you too.

He hung up and I just hugged Ryker to my chest. I changed him and put him down for the night and went to bed myself. Seven months flew bye and we were all standing around waiting for the boys. I was more then ready to have Happy home and in my bed. Lyla's and Opies wedding was tonight then I'd have Mr. Lowman all to myself. I watched as the bikes pulled up one by one and was getting anxious. I was tracing Ryker's name that I got tattooed on my wrist until I looked up and watched as he climbed off his bike and I pushed my way passed everyone and jumped in his arms.

Happy: where's my boy?
Me: with the prospect.
Happy: alright.

He kissed me and we walked to go get Ryker. The minute he held him I fell even more in love with him. Jax came over and hugged me.

Jax: hey darlin'
Me: hey.
Jax: you did a good job.
Me: so did Tara.
Jax: I know.
Me: yeah.

He left and I walked over to my little family. For the first time in months I felt like we where actually a family and my husband finally got to meet his son. I was getting inpatient and wanted Happy. I leaned my head on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

Me: let's go home.
Happy: we have stuff to deal with first.
Me: alright.

I went home and put Ryker down for a nap. I waited for Happy and by the time he finally got home I was half asleep. He climbed onto our bed and pinned my hands above my head. He kissed my neck and I was trying to pull my hands out of he's grip.

Happy: why you trying to fall asleep?
Me: cause you took forever.
Happy: what do you want princess?
Me: please daddy.
Happy: what?
Me: fuck me.

He took no time with taking our clothes off. He pushed in me and I started clawing his back. I came while biting his neck so I didn't wake Ryker up. We got up and took a shower.

Happy: I have some stuff to do so I'll meet you at the wedding.
Me: okay.

He kissed me bye and I finished showering then got Ryker ready then started getting ready myself. After we where both ready I packed a bag for Ryker and then took him to the babysitter. I picked up a last minute gift and had to wrap it in the car before going into the wedding.

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