Chapter 17

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Hey Lovelies,

Could u please go vote for my story in the 1D watty awards!! It's under the undiscovered gems one direction section!

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Thank you and love u all,


Chapter 17


Zayn said he would come pick me up so I got dressed and waited in my apartment. I had decided to wear a white lace dress with a denim jacket on top to dress it down. I braided my hair into a side braid and wore dangly earrings. "You're ready for the big date?" Lily asked as she walked into the living room.

"Yes, is this a good outfit?" I asked

"Yea cute, I like that dress. I'm going to borrow it one day," she replied as she plopped down on the sofa with a magazine.

She tied her hair into a messy bun as I said "Sure."

Mina walked into the living room in her pink pajamas and said "Who wants to watch a movie?"

"Me," Lily said closing the magazine. "I'll make popcorn" she added as she walked towards the kitchen.

"I can't," I said.

"Where are you going?" Mina asked.

"I have a date," I said "I'll tell you all the details when I come back."

"Ok" Mina nodded as she turned on the television and went on Netflix to find a movie. "By the way was I dreaming or did I really see Zayn in here yesterday?" Mina asked.

"Yeah it was Zayn," I said smiling.

"And what was he doing in our living room?" she asked confused

"Well, it's a long story. But, he's the one I'm going on a date with," I said

"What? When did this happen?" Mina replied as she put down the remote in shock.

The downstairs buzzer rang and Lily said "Who is it?"

"Zayn" replied Zayn.

"He's here," Lily sang as she buzzed him in.

"I'll tell you everything afterward," I told Mina.

"You better," she said as she went back to searching for a movie. I slipped my flats on and right after the doorbell rang.

I adjusted my dress and then opened the door to see Zayn standing there. He smiled and kissed me hello. "Zayn this is Lily and that's Mina," I said introducing him to my friends.

"I'm a huge fan," Lily said as she shook his hand. She looked star struck.

"Thanks, that really means a lot," Zayn replied to her. He then smiled at Mina and said "We couldn't properly meet last night."

"Yeah, I was sleep deprived and didn't know what I was saying just forget about that," she said as she shook his hand.

"Sure," Zayn replied smiling at her. Then he looked at me and said "Should we get going?"

"Yeah, bye, see you guys later," I said as I followed Zayn out the door. Lily and Mina giggled about something as I closed the door.


We walked out of Sabrina's building and I grabbed her hand and we started walking as I said "I know you hate fancy things so I thought we could get dinner then see a movie."

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