Chapter 25

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Hey Lovelies,

I am so sorry!!! I took forver to update and I apologize for that. I thought since it was summer I would be updating a lot more and...I was wrong!

I can't believe I got so many reads and votes thank you so much! You don't know how much it means to me! I also made it to the final week of the 1D watty awards which is amazing and I thank everyone who voted for me. 

I'm going to stop talking and let you read the next chapter!

Chapter 25


            I rubbed my groggy eyes and then slowly opened them. I shut them quickly as the sun blinded me. I opened my eyes slowly again and hoisted myself up on the bed. I felt like someone had beaten me up, I had a searing headache. I was hung-over from last night when I had gone clubbing. I stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and then met the boys for breakfast. After breakfast I felt much better and Liam and I decided to go surfing again.

Days passed and before we knew it, it was time for us to leave Australia and New Zealand and go back home I was excited and couldn’t wait to see my family and to be back in my own home. After being home for a couple of days I was in my apartment the one I share with Harry watching the telly when Harry came home with the other boys and their girlfriends. Claire and Sabrina had come to visit London. I greeted all of them and they joined me in the living room. Everyone was paired of except me. Niall was in Mullingar so I was the only single one.

“Lou,” Harry said. He was sitting on the floor next to Claire.

“Yeah,” I replied looking away from the telly.

“So I know this girl I think you might like,” he replied.

“What?!” I said in alarm.

“I said I know a girl that is perfect for you and I think you should meet her,” Harry repeated. Zayn, Liam, Danielle, Sabrina, and Claire looked at me waiting for my reply.

“You don’t think I can find a girl on my own?” I asked

“No, it’s just I thought you and Tanya would get on well that’s it,” he replied.

“I don’t want to go on a blind date,” I replied crossing my arms and turning back to the telly.

“Lou, its just a date what’s the big deal?” Zayn asked.

“Not a big deal?! It is a big deal; this just shows you lads don’t think I can get a date on my own trying to set me up! I am happy being single and being able to talk with any girl” I replied.

“It’s just a date! You meet the girl if you don’t like her you don’t have to see her again,” Liam said.

“Why are you guys trying to set me up? Do you feel bad or something? You don t have too,” I replied.

“It’s not like that at all,” Harry said turning towards me, “I saw her again a couple of days ago and she’s such a sweet girl and I think you two would be perfect with each other that’s the only reason I even bought it up. It has nothing to do with your girl getting abilities.”     

I didn’t reply as I continued to stare at the telly. I don’t know why I felt so angry about this maybe because I was feeling a little left out. The boys were doing couple things without me. It could also be because I couldn’t stop thinking about that brown haired girl I had seen on the beach in Australia. I had seen her only once but her face kept coming back to my mind. I hadn’t seen her after that first day even though Liam and I had surfed on that beach practically every day we were in Australia.

“I’m going to get some water,” I mumbled as I got up and headed towards the kitchen. I walked past the bathroom as the door opened and Sabrina walked out.

I smiled at her as I walked past when she said, “Louis.”

I turned and said, “Yeah?”

“I know you didn’t ask for my opinion or anything but it never hurts to take a chance,” she said as she smiled at me. She then turned around and walked back to the living room and I walked to the kitchen.

I got a glass of water and slowly drank it and contemplated what Harry had said. I walked back to the living room and sat down an. I turned to Harry who was watching the telly and said, “Fine I’ll meet this girl.”

“Okay, good,” Harry said smiling and then he turned back to the TV.


It was Friday I was in front of a fancy restaurant waiting to meet Tanya. I watched as a tall blond walked towards me, maybe that’s Tanya I thought as I waited. The blond was almost near me and I walked towards her and said, “Tanya?”

“Excuse me,” she replied as she looked at me in confusion. I was about to reply when a tall guy came and the girl walked away. I guess she isn’t Tanya.

“Louis,” I heard a voice say behind me and I turned around and say a pretty blond haired girl.

“Tanya?” I asked smiling at her.

“Yes, its nice to meet you,” she replied.

I took her hand and kissed it, “the pleasure is mine.”

We went inside and were seated immediately since I had made reservations. We talked and ate and had a good time. Harry was right Tanya and I got along well and I was glad I had agreed to this date.  

It was late and I walked Tanya to her front door and I said, “We need to do this again sometime.”

“Definitely,” she replied.

I smiled at her and thought about whether I should kiss her goodnight or not when the front door opened and I came face to face with the girl from Australia. The girl I had seen while surfing. The girl who had caused me to fall into the ocean. The girl I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about. “Oops, sorry” she said.

“It’s fine,” Tanya said laughing and then added “Louis this is my roommate Eleanor, Eleanor this is Louis.”

Eleanor smiled and extended her hand out to me and said, “Hey, it’s nice to meet you.”

I stared at her in shock, then blinked and slowly reached out my hand to shake hers. I didn’t think I would see her again and here she is in front of me and I can’t do anything about it. “It’s nice to meet you too,” I replied. “It was nice to meet you too,” I said turning to Tanya and then walked slowly back to the street and into my car. I waved at the two girls and drove away thinking about Eleanor and Tanya.   


Hope you lovelies liked this chapter and I will definately try and get the next chapter out to you guys much faster. Keep commenting, sharing, and voting!

xoxo, S

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