1 Crash and Burn

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If I am to be blamed of one thing, just one thing only, then I blame it on the love I had for my father. The man destroyed me along with his ex Playboy model turned wife, and her two sons. My mother died when I was 10, leaving me to deal with strings of girlfriends, fiancés and many wives of my dad. I was his elder son. My mother a heiress, and my father a business tycoon in the oil and gas industry. I simply believe my mother is the only woman or respectable woman my father ever had in his life.

I was close to my mother, but after she was gone, my father took over my education and upbringing. It is not at all what my mother had in mind. I was set lose like a mad horse. I was given everything without me asking. At just 14, my father introduced me to high end prostitute. That was my birthday present. My fathers debauchery life continued until I was 16, when he met his current wife Stella. And I should have been careful. I really should have trusted my instincts.

Stella came with her two sons. And I knew me and Stella will not get along the moment I set my eyes on her. She is beautiful. I give her that. But she is cunning, wicked, without any empathy and most importantly a gold digger. And her sons, complemented her perfectly as the apple hardly fall away from the tree.

My father still loved me beyond the world and back. I don't blame him. The feeling is mutual.

I was a hard worker. I graduated from a top ivy league university with honors. I completed my MBA and PhD. My dad was delighted about my academics and I know he was proud of me too. I started going to dad's office when I was 12. My business acumen and knowledge is not only highly appreciated but also sought after by not only dad, but his other rich friends. I am a killer when it comes to negotiations. I get what I want and only give that much less than what I intended. Business is business for me.

Soon after finishing my graduation, I became a full time involved in dad's business. From mere $1.5 billion, I manage to make the net worth of the company to $10 billion within the time. Dad saw very little of the business, and when I was 30, dad made me the CEO and that is when I should have taken caution. But I didn't.

I moved to my own penthouse brought from the commissions and money I made in a posh area in New York. It is exclusive property. I was that rich. Whatever dad had, it is mine. And I was happy. Stella's two sons Mark and Tom joined the business when I was 25. They were 2 and 4 years elder than me.

I am spoilt, I am indulgent, I am arrogant and many more very bad things. But one thing I am not is lazy. I work hard and play hard. But Mark and Tom were disasters. The had more time screwing up the women in the company than adding any value. Dad had to literally threaten them to stop such behavior.

I dated women and slept with a different woman everyday but what my mother taught me at a young age is, never force myself on anyone even if the person is a paid help. I never stopped practicing some of the things she had taught me. I am very respectful even to those who are rude. I don't cheat or take short cuts. I deserve everything I had in life because I work that much hard to get it.

Because I moved away from my fathers house when I was 18, I didn't have to see Stella often or unless I want to see her. Dad knew we dislike each other. I never cared for her or her sons either. Having known the greatest woman who is my mother, rest of them meant nothing. So we were cordial and civil. Yet, I didn't take precaution.

When dad make me the CEO of the company, as per company policy since I am the owner now, whatever I had will be part of the company. But I draw the money from the company created account. When dad called for a party at his house to celebrate this occasion, Stella approached me.

"So, you manage to manipulate your father in to making you the boss" she said full of venom.

"Well, I didn't have to manipulate anything Stella. It is my company and I am getting it. You can leave me now"

"My children worked equally hard to get the company where it is today. You think you can steal that just under their nose? Not when I am alive"

"All they do at work is screw the girls. And if that is what takes a company to be one of the rich ones in the world, then you are right. But just imagine my surprise that a high school failed two guys making the company where it is today. Stupidity apparently run in the family" I turn to go with that. I am done with this bitch.

"You will pay for this"

"Oh, I know you. I know exactly what you are too. You are enjoying the fruits of my mothers and fathers hard work, and now mine. So, just get lost before I do something that I have never done before, which is thrash out at a woman" I am at a flipping point.

Next thing I know is Stella was trying to kiss me. I was disgusted and pushed her away before she ran to my father who was standing just behind me, screaming, that I tried to kiss her.

"Dad, I didn't do it. This woman just pushed herself on me" I told him.

"Do you deny what I saw? Stella was telling me how you tried making passes at her since you were 16. I never believed it but..... "My father came forward to punch me.

"Dad, don't do it. You know me better than this bitch and het two viper of sons"

When the situation got tense, James and Tom walked in. And the satisfied look on their face kept me on check. I need to strategize this. I am not the fool rest of them were.

"You try to impose yourself on our mother?" that was James, who stop nothing but at rape.

"Be careful what you say James. She is your mother. And if you want to know where you got your imposing nature on women, you need not look far" I am losing my temper. Ok, I can take James and Tom. But I will not hurt my dad.

"Anyone lay a finger on me, I will break your arm. I didn't learn boxing just to get beaten by two mama's boys and a father who doesn't know the bitch he married" I said before Tom rushed in. Next minute he was on the floor Stella screaming and James wondering if he could take me.

"Joe, you will leave now. You are no longer part of my family or the company" that was dad.

"Dad you know as well as these two idiots on the floor, mum's share which is 45% of the existing shares and properties, is mine and mine alone as a sole heir to her fortune. So just don't try to play with me" my mum looked after me.

"Oh yes. 45% of everything is your mothers. But that is after he dies. The trust is yours but you get everything in it, when you father is dead" that was Stella.

"That's rich. Someone had read my mother's will well, and had taken to task" my sarcasm didn't go un noticed.

"Get out of this house. Until I am alive there is nothing you can do" that was my father. Oh dad, when will you realize I am more than what these idiots are.

"Sure dad, everything I owe is from the company trust which is my mothers. You know, she knew you were a weak man. So, she was right in making me her heir and not letting anyone draw a single cent let alone me after your death. But she was also right in making you unable to take a cent of that from the trust. If I am to lose you to that woman, you are might as well dead to me"

with that I walked out. There is nothing I cant come out of.

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