10 Feelings

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Bless my mother and grandparents who dotted on me until their dying days, there will and condition use of wealth from which my father benefited, had many legal implications which were beyond a trust. Within the past couple of week, I and Zahra had a lot of work in our hands. I decided to stay until I am done my work at her place, as Asad lives right next to the building. I made him my personal banker. He was over the moon.

Though the use of money from the Trust is conditional, I am the owner of 45% of the Malroy empire. This makes it that much more difficult for dad or any of his goons to get rid of me. This was a condition attached to a conditional will of my grandfather which my mother attached her will. So, I am sent a legal notice to dad informing him, I will be coming to office from next week. If anyone caused any trouble, it would be dealt legally.

One problem I have is, my salary will go to the Trust, and unless dad approves I can withdraw from it. Asad got me the dividends from all my shares which is a couple of million dollars and I am not sure, I can live on dividends alone for long enough. I use to spend couple of millions in one night.

The trouble is, when one is in a position of privilege, one only get to meet people of privilege. And million dollars is absolutely nothing. If HR refuse to hire Zahra, then I have to pay her from my money. I was deep in thought and worries when Zahra came and sat beside me.

"Don't worry. See you have couple of million dollars now. Even if you are not to touch your inheritance for the next 10 years, if you learn to live accommodatingly, then may be this money is enough. After you get in to the company, you can see if there is a way to divert the your salary to a personal bank account."

"I don't know babe. Just can't get my F*cking brain to work. Can we go out today?" I need a break. I been working like a maniac for the last couple of days with little sleep.

"Your vocabulary is much to be desired. Where to you want to go?"

"Take me anywhere I can f*cking forget this F*cking problem about the F8cking......."

"Fine fine fine..I got it. Your vocabulary is beautiful. We have an invitation and Neha and Rahul's place for dinner. Asad will be there. Do said you will go" she said somewhat troubled. I did say I would go, didn't I?

"Okay, but can we go out for a walk or something now? I need to get out" I really do.


I know Joe find it hard to cramp in the small place, but I think he felt it would be insulting if he just packs and leave. But no, it isn't. I never expected him to live in my small apartment forever. He belongs to the larger world. And end of the day, he is who he is and I am who I am. I am least bothered about it, but I have come to truly like him in the last couple of weeks. I will miss him when he leaves.

"what are you thinking?" Joe asked when we stopped by to sit.

"I was thinking, when you obviously move out, I will miss all these. The walks, the busy life, cooking ...etc. oh no, please, don't think I am looking for a relationship with you. No No. I am not one of those women who is after you and you need to be careful. It's the general sense of missing you know. When you spend time with someone, you will sure to miss them when they are gone"

I hope Joe understood what I meant. Because I saw his face change. I am not looking for a romantic relationship with him for God's sake.

"Some point, I have to move out. Will you come with me? My houses are really big. You can use many rooms as you want for you. I really wish I could look after you"

Oh, he is a charmer. What he said went right in to my heart. It would be nice to be looked after but I know that's not going to happen.

"Look, you will come and see me often, even if I refuse to be your PA. Okay? Just call me, and drop by. Any time , any day. And try not to become homeless" I teased him. And the next thing I know is a big bone crushing hug from Joe.

"Let's not talk about this today love. I need my head cleared for tomorrow"

And we sat there for about an hour, and went to Neha's house.

My friends have been part and parcel of all these drama from the beginning. And we often, if not everyday meet up. We let the guys catch up, and had a girly talk in the kitchen.

"Please don't tell me you are in love with him" Marry was the first to talk.

"No, absolutely not. See, it isn't romance or anything. Just I will miss him. He is a nice guy. Look how nicely he fit with rest of us. He is too easy to be with. And that's all" I told them firmly.

"But don't you think you are little too involved?" Fathima asked little more concerned this time.

"How less can I be involved? He asked me to be his PA and I refused. I don't want anymore complication between us. I have my degree in 2 months and I will do what I like"

"But he needs your help Zahra?" that is Neha.

"How can I help him? I know nothing about business. I initially thought I would learn but no, I cant. I am not sharp in understand the under cut business culture. I will take not only myself down, but can get Joe also in major trouble"

"But he has eyes only for you. From a week time I have notice that the way he look at you has changed. May be he is having feelings for you" these girls don't give up.

"Only feeling he has for me is gratitude. Come let's go ahead and join the guys. I don't want any awkwardness"

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