19 Why now?

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I didn't tell her the conversation I had with Alina. I promised Alina, I will keep myself and Zahra out of her way until she sort her things with Azam. I still cant believe, the supper ambitious Alina and my refugee driver had something going on and she needed time to sort it out.

But that has nothing to do with Zahra if I hadn't agreed to end the engagement. The part that was missing in me is with Zahra. I feel it ever time I am near her. I promised Alina also that this will be our secret. Though I am thankful to Alina for bringing me and Zahra together, I don't want Zahra to know the part Alina played in it. She will feel insulted and I am embarrassed to admit it myself.

Next day as pleasant enough to go for a hiking. I asked Zahra to get ready, as I want to surprise her.

"Tomorrow I must report to work. Please, don't be stubborn"

"Honey, I said no. I only want a week. End of the week, your answer is the final one. I will not let you go until then"

"What is going to happen in one week to change my mind Joe? I have a life out there. Please understand" she is wrong. Her life is with me.

"You have 10 minutes to get ready before I drag you out"

"You cant manhandle me. I am not a cattle or a piece of your furniture. I am not going anywhere" I am getting to see the most stubborn part of her now which is scaring the hell out of me. What if I fail?

She was making some sandwich for us in the kitchen. I went behind her and hugged her from the back, and place a kiss on her forehead. She didn't fight me or resist me.

"Please come with me love. Please"

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you will never forget" I told her.

"Okay. I'll pack the sandwich. Will go"

"Ahem.. Not with that footwear and dress"

"What do you mean not this footwear and dress? These are all I have" why didn't I think of it.

"Well, this isn't suitable for hiking. At least remove the head scarf" my wishful thinking for which she gave me a stern look.

"Come on, I have seen your hair. And it is just me" I tried my best to convince her, but no way she is giving in.

"Okay, wear whatever you want. We have to walk for an hour. Do you have anything comfortable to wear, that wouldn't break?"

"I have a flat slippers but that wouldn't suit hiking"

"Never mind. Lets go"

It took us a good 15 minutes to leave home. The path to the waterfall is slippery and difficult to go especially after a rain. So I had the pleasure of holding Zahra's hand for a good 1 hour. I seldom pray, but for once I was thanking God for his small mercies.

"Rest" Zahra said half way. I know her legs must be hurting with the kind of footwear she is on.

It took a good 45 minutes more to reach the waterfall. And the trouble was all worth it. Zahra was totally surprised when she saw where we had come. If wide beautiful smile is any indication to what she is feeling, then I am a happy man.

"No sweetheart, it's slippery. Hold my hand" I didn't let her move. I was exaggerating when I told her it is slippery. She took my hand which then I bought to my lips. I can never get tired of kissing me. She didn't protest.

"There is a cave underneath the waterfall. Come let's go"

The ground is very slippery and at one point I almost fell in the water, and Zahra went white as a ghost.  I should have been careful. I didn't come searching for death.

"No. We are going back" she told me in that tone which means it is her final decision.

"Come on we are so close"

"Joe, the ground is slippery, and you almost fell down. No, No, No. We are not moving anywhere. We are going back"

"I want to show you the cave. I promise I will watch out" the terror in her eyes told me she will not oblige. I know had I fallen, things would have been bad.

"You almost catch your death. I promise I will come another day when the weather is good, and the grounds are not slippery. Please listen to me. Come let's go"

"Kiss me and ask me nicely" I said equally stubborn.

"Seriously? I am damned worried about your useless life I saved 5 years ago, and you are making demands on me. Joe, no" she said when I took one step ahead.

"I said, No. Come here. I will kiss you when we go home" I tried another slippery area, damn I really am out of my mind.

"Joe, damn it. Don't. Okay Okay, I will kiss you poop head idiot, rat shit, arrogant, conceited, stubborn, sex starved pervert............"

"Okay, got the message. I am coming back" I went slowly to her. Next thing I know is she gave me a bone crushing hug.

"It isn't a joke risking your neck. You almost fell to your death. Please, promise me, next time if I say, no, you will listen" she is truly worried. I felt bad for playing with her fear.

"Babe, sorry. Okay, I promise"

"Okay, come we'll go"

"What about my kiss?" I asked her pulling her back to me.

"What kiss?? There is no kiss. I should have slapped you instead a hug. Now come" she said holding on to my hands.

I didn't push her. It isn't my place. We had our food under a nice tree, the weather is a little chill. I hope it wouldn't rain. As soon as we finish eating, the first drops started. we are another good half an hour from home.

"Are those rain drops?" Zahra asked me accusingly.

"No, just water" And before I finished rain started pouring down. Luckily we were under a tree, which partially covered us from the rain.

"I am going to kill you if rain didn't kill us both" she told me flatly.

It was damned cold. she was shivering. We are almost soaked. Her headscarf is totally ruined and her abaaya is clinging on to her body revealing what is she wearing inside. It didn't leave much to a mans imagination. I can see the knee length pant and sleeveless tshirt. 

"Oh thank you God, for the little mercies in life" I said loud enough for Zahra to hear. Then she figured what I was saying. She gave me a disapproving look, removed her headscarf to my amazement and wrapped it around her so I am totally blocked from my vision.

But I didn't complain. Rain soaked chestnut hair is another vision to hold. The hair had curled for the water, and has become sort of a breath taking mess. I couldn't help but took the hair pin holding her hair.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking at what belongs to me" Once I loosen all her hair, I buried my face in it. Heaven. This is heaven.

"Joe, No" was she crying.

"Honey, what's the matter?" I asked her worried.

"Why now Joe? Why? You know you belongs to someone else. Why are you doing this? Is it so that you can move on once you realize I am made of bone and flesh? Or you just want my body so that you can discard me latter and marry Alina? Tell me what you want and be done with it" she said sobbing.

"I want you" I told her kissing the tears, the rain and taking in all her sorrow which is breaking my heart.

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