11 Truth matters little

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These guys are seriously fun to hang out with. They tease, mock, talk utter nonsense and we end up having so much fun. I had only rich friends all my life. Some even royalty. But these guys are so genuine and carefree of life, first time I feel envious. And they are so happy with that they have. A concept I am unaware of.

The girls were laughing in the kitchen. May be one of their girly talks.

"So Joe, you will be moving out soon we hear?" Alex asked. Alex is Marry's boyfriend.

"Yea buddy. I cant run a empire from here. I actually I have come to like it but it's damn too far from business center" which is true.

"We'll miss you man. Do come by and see us when you move out" Rohith said. The feeling of moving out is not settle well as I thought it would.

I think they felt my confusion. But when they spoke, I saw the truth in it.

"Sooner the better buddy. I see you getting attached to Zahra, and she to you. She has no romantic notion, which is obvious but how long can this under current chemistry will last? I mean, she is one of the nice people I know in my life. But we all live in a different world to yours. We can be friends but that's where it all stop I guess" Asad put it eloquently.

"I know man. It's just that sometimes things are easy you know. My house in park street is done. I am just postponing the inevitable. Am I not?"

Luckily, the girls came at that time and we had to stop out conversation. All the boyfriends had their girlfriends in their arms, leaving me and Zahra in an awkward situation. She took the only seat available which is a stool beside my chair. I just felt like taking her in my arms too. I mean, it felt so right. But she knows as well as I do, we cant survive.

I decided to move out in two days time, which is a Saturday. I must inform Zahra cautiously not to hurt her feelings.

After dinner and socializing a little longer, we came back home. Zahra was quick to make the bed for me.

"Why do you look disturbed?" she asked while warming a glass of milk for me.

"I am thinking of moving out this Saturday. Is that alright with you?" I asked her not quite looking at her face.

She was silent. It took her a good 5 minutes to get my milk warm. "I knew eventually you will move out Joe. Your life is out there, making things happen. So, yes, I am happy for you. You are recovering from something no one was ever capable of doing so. Don't worry, you will be missed. But we are all happy for you"

If I thought I have seen genuineness before, then I was wrong. The smile in her face said hell of a lot more. I will remember her for a long time to come for sure.

I didn't say much but went to sleep.


I didn't get much sleep. Ofcourse I will miss Joe. I mean, he has a way of making small things matter. Its been nearly a month since he came in to my place. We had a nice time. I don't want any awkwardness when he leaves. I would like to see him but we live in different worlds. He is more than welcome to meet me whenever he wants, but I know I will not be making the initiative. I don't want this nice feeling to change and replace by another less welcome feelings.

As usual I prayed Thahajjath and I knew Joe is awake. He stayed on the bed, and after prayers, I made some coffee for both of us. Today being Thursday, there is only 1 more days to go. But it had been a busy day. Joe wanted to talk and check with his lawyers on things, he went to meet up with his friends on some personal things, he also had some meetings with managers of some of the properties he own, which he wasn't aware of until recently. By the time he came home, it was pretty late, around 11 p.m.

"Dinner is ready" I told him. Finance has been easy as Stuart take care of Food expenses, while I pay the rent. He wanted to do much more, but not everything about money. I would have refuse food expenses too, but his choice of food will dry my bank account in a weeks time.

"Oh, I already had dinner. Sorry, I should have informed you. But I totally forgot"

"No worries. Would you like to have something to drink?"

"I am fine"

I always wait for Joe for dinner. So I served my food, while he got ready to sleep. I felt a disconnection, but the fact that he got back to where he belongs is all that matters. And I am glad, I was part of it. I silently ate.

"You shouldn't have waited for me" Joe said.

"No, it's okay. I didn't want you to eat alone. No big deal. I'll switch off the light in a minute" I told him.

"Who is Salman?"Joe asked me. I went still. Salman is my rich step brother. He is in fact the son of one of my fathers many wives from her previous marriage. He is supper rich, but I hardly interact with him. Don't even like him to be honest.

"Why do you want to know about Salman?"

"You tell me. How come I have not heard of him before?" what is he saying.

"Salman is my step brother"

"If Salman is your step brother, then why are you living like this? And why did you have to maid yourself at my house?"

"Not all of us are lucky to have step brothers who are caring and loving as James and Tom, you know" I told him really angry this time. He is accusing me of something which I have no idea about. But I am not going to put up with childish tantrums.

"So, you opted to spy on me"

"Spy on you?" I felt like he physically punched me on the face. I stared at him.

"Yes, apparently your brother has a security agency which has all my details up to date since I came to live with you here. They know everything. Hire by my father ofcourse. So, you were kind enough to give him information about me, all these time pretending to care for me"

I lost my appetite. I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. Subhanallah, the person I went all the way to protect, is the one accusing me of spying on me. It couldn't hurt worse.

"Is that what you think Joe? That I am capable of doing such things? You think I could sell information about you, so that I can earn some money? You have rich friends, ask them to check my bank accounts. But better, you see this apartment. Everything in here is second handed. I haven't brought a single piece of clothing in over an year. I have exactly 5000 dollars in my bank account, but that's all"

"How did you find me in the coffee shop?" he asked me.

The tears I was holding, just dropped. And now it is flowing like a river.

"I didn't find you. My friends and I went for a movie and then decided to stop by to get coffee. When I saw you, I was reluctant to come and speak to you. But my friends convinced me, it would be impolite if you have seen me sneaking out. The only reason I came and said hi to you. No other reason"

"So how do you think my father knows all about my plans? And why did Salman approached me for money for not selling these information?"

"He came for you for money?" I was totally surprised. Really?

"And he said I was involved?"

He nodded his head.

"And you believed him?" I knew the answer, yet I asked him. He kept silent. I wipe my tears, no point crying. I lost my appetite, so I just went to the kitchen. Put the food on the fridge, made Joe's milk, left it at his bed side while he watched me, and then I went to my bed which is the sofa.

"I didn't know what to believe" finally Joe told me.

"It's okay. Once you leave from here, and back to the life of glory, the truth matters little"

I hope he would say anything, something. But he didn't.

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