7 Promise

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She was still in my arms. I held her.

It was a miracle I stopped before I killed both Zahra's mother and brother. How are dare they raise their hand at her. She is a feisty loyal person. When her brother strike her, I swear to God, I will make him pay, and I will. I could still see her hand print on her cheeks and it is boiling down my blood.

"Zahra, promise me that if anyone raise a hand at you aver again, doesn't matter who it is, you will tell me?"

And the smile she gave me is what I believed would a man say would doomed him forever. It was a smile with an unspoken question, how can you protect me? What can you do? And we don't live in the same world smile but the answer was "Sure, I will"

Of all the women I have known, there is one quality Zahra has which no one else did. She is not plotting after me. She is thankful to me for what she believed helped her secure a freedom which isn't a freedom at all. Loyalty which is very hard to find in the world we live in, can be found abundantly in her heart.

"I am going to be here for today and tomorrow. It's almost 4 in the evening. I want to take you out. How much you said you have in your bank?"

"I have around 5000 dollars"

"Withdraw it all. I will pay you back on Monday"

"No Joe. Listen, what if things don't work out on Monday. Lets hold on to the money a little longer. I don't have a job as well, you know. Today I will take you to a place, normally you wouldn't go otherwise"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really. Lets get Marry, Fathima and Neha with their boyfriends to join us. It will be fun. You will enjoy" she told me cheerfully.

Then she made quick calls to all her friends and we are to meet up at in two hours with food at the basement. I don't have a car. So me and Zahra will go with Fathima and her boyfriend.

Fathima's boyfriend Yusuf is a nice guy. He works for a local bank, which is great. So if I need some help, I can take his one. My story has been conveyed to all the boyfriends I guess, as no one asked me any uncomfortable questions. Zahra always kept an eye on me. She is worried about my comfort I feel. But it was a change. And I am enjoying.

It was a picnic at the nearby park. I reached Zahra, who rewarded me with her most beautiful smile.

"Don't worry. I am okay. I am enjoying their company"

"I am glad you like them. They are really nice guys"

We had food, then we spoke about football. I own 50% of one of the most famous sporting clubs. These guys can have free tickets to all the matches in the VVIP zone for the rest of their lives. And when I told them, they were so happy, I know I instantly became a hero.

While we spoke, laugh and cheer, the girls also joined us. But Zahra always kept a respectful distance. She enjoyed the company and had fund but there was always a "respectful" distance. I didn't know why. Am I making her uncomfortable or is it the guys?

So when we decided to pack it out around 9, I asked her to walk with me to the gates where the cars are parked and asked her why she is detached.

"See, in my religion there is this thing called Non-Mahram. A non-Mahram is someone who isn't my father, brother, uncle or husband. Except for them, I have to keep a healthy distance with anyone who is man. Why do you think I am covering my head even at home when you are there?"

So I got a good lecture on Mahram, Non-Mahram, Hijab and some other stuff. "So, you are telling me except for your father, brother, uncle or husband, no one can touch you? But you let me hold you and touch your hand?"

If I ever thought people don't blush anymore, I was wrong. Zahra turned in to a dark red when I finished the question. I laughed. I feel like pulling her down for another hug, but not with that kind of explanation. I need to keep my distance.

"You don't count. Rich boys with broken heart are not in the equation"

"That's so sad"

And Asad drove us home. As yesterday, Zahra made my bed. Luckily, i had change over clothing. So, again with a glass of milk with saffron, I slept like a baby. Except for the trouble of not being able to keep my eyes from Zahra, I have nicely settled in I would say.


Prayed Thahajath and Fajr. Then around 6, Joe got up too.

"Early bird"

"To catch the worm" he said with a smile.

I made coffee and we both had it together.

"Inshallah, tomorrow you are back to old life. You must be excited. Yea?" I asked him to start a conversation. Silence is uncomfortable at times.

"Zahra, is there anything I can do for what you are doing for me?"

"No Joe. There is nothing. I told you, that is not why I helped you. Come and see me when you have time. That is more than I can ask" I told him genuinely hoping he would come some day to see me after tomorrow. I have no intentions of moving in with him. I have my online degree almost completed, and I can find a job latter.

"Come with me"

"I am sorry, that is not possible. I have almost finish my degree. I need to stand on my own before my family crush me down"

"Then work for me" he said.

"You don't need an interior designer" I told him.

"But I need a PA. I want someone whom I can trust. And right now, I trust no one except you"

"Lets just sort things out before making further plans" I need to have some breathing space when thing settle down.

"I could get use to living here, you know. The energy is so light and peaceful. I like it especially after you pray. Do you pray for me?"

"Ofcourse I do. That's the shortest way to get rid of you" I teased him. I don't have TV at home. So Joe brows through some websites, just to check what is trending.

"They haven't contacted the reporters yet. I wonder what is happening. Stella loves attention. It is unlikely things like this will not get highlighted, especially when my father also stand and accuse"

"Alhamdulillah, leave it Joe. No need to look out for trouble. Without them adding things in to your already volatile situation, you can pretty well manage"

Well, I was right for once. Trouble didn't come in the tabloids but in form of Liz Hunt.

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