6 Desperate measures

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Zahra entered the house before me and foisted some story and went inside the library. I know there is a camera inside. But I can worry about it when I get the documents. She is to take the documents like 5 minutes before I enter and keep it inside my clothing. That will make the packaging and transporting those less difficult.

And miraculously we made it. I packed my stuff while Zahra made sure she left the house without anyone noticing, and then when I tried to take the car, the security guard said only the clothes I can take. So, I went out where Zahra was standing at the taxi stand. I don't have even a dollar for the taxi.

Zahra understood.

When I scanned the document, I knew things aren't that bad. I have several houses owned and given to me by my grandfather. About 3 in New York and 10 else where, which also entailed a massive estate. All looked after by trusted servants. All on me. I also had shares from different companies I invested as a boy just for fun. And all those companies are doing well, and the shares are under my name. So, though I am not a billionaire anymore, I can safely be a millionaire.

A good place to start.

"Angel, you are coming with me. I have a house in down town. I want to be there to manage rest of my affairs. Please don't argue. I have some shares which I brought as a teenager. I will see the dividend which I haven't touch in more than 15 years. So, Monday I can get some money."

I was just shouting orders and then I stopped. What am I doing? I just have to slow down. Zahra looked at me with understanding.

"It's okay. Today is Saturday, take a day off. You have everything planned. Wont hurt to live the life of a normal person for just the weekend"

And there was a knock on the door. Zahra checked the door and almost froze. I could see fear in her eyes. Is it my father?

"Joe, my brother and mother are here. Quick, hide all your documents. Oh gosh" and she shouted to the door "Ahmed coming. One minute"

"Tell them we are married. They will kill me otherwise"

I was all confused. What the hell is happening?


Why the hell my brother and mother are here? I mean, really?

"Please I beg you. Say be we are married. Don't talk anything else. I will handle"

And she opened the door.

"Assalamualaikum mum , Ahmed. So good to see you. Come in"

Both mum and Ahmed entered the house, and as expected first shocked, then confused and then irritated.

"Mum, Ahmed meet Joe"

"Who the hell is he and what is he doing here? Why are his clothes here?" mum asked ignoring Joe but looking at me with all her anger.

"Mum calm down. Please sit"

"Are you sleeping with him?"that was Ahmed. Always assuming the worst.

"Ahmed I am not you. So just shut up"

"How dare you?" and the next thing I know is Ahmed strike me on the face, and then Ahmed on the floor with blood flowing from his mouth right next to me.

I have seen Joe angry before, but the look on his eyes were murderous. I stood up fast, and held Joe's hand.

"No, please. Leave him. He is not worth it"

"Mum, this slut is being sleeping with him. That is why she was refusing to marry Asad. I told you, she doesn't need to work or study, but you didn't listen to me. She is living with a kaafir. Her children will be kaafir"

"If you don't shut up, whatever the hell your name is, I will break your teeth. Don't ever touch her. Do I make myself clear? I will break your hand if you see her, let alone strike her again. Zahra, enough. They need to go"

"Joe please"

Joe didn't listen to me or my please.

"Get out and don't step in again. And you, who called a mother, be ashamed of letting that dog touch this angel. She will marry no one, as she is married to me. Now unless you come to terms with that, get the hell out of here don't come back"

My mum and Ahmed ran out of the house with curses. I sat down on the floor exhausted. It is embarrassing and also humiliating.

"How long has those two been abusing you?" Joe asked still angry.

"No leave it Joe. They aren't worth it. We have bigger things to worry about"

"Like hell we do. How long they were been mistreating you? Zahra, I am about to lose my shit. So tell me. Have they been hurting you before? Who is that man they are trying to get you married to?"

Joe's sky blue eyes looked dark blue with anger. I need to manage this. Subhanallah, men and their tantrums.

"Come, sit here. Yes, beside me" he sat obediently.

"My dad has about 3 wives and almost non existence in our lives. Ahmed is my elder brother and mums favorite. He is married and has 3 children of his own. About 4 years back he wanted me to marry his friend who is an alcoholic sociopath. I refused. Things became very ugly, and I needed a to get away from home. Then, I got the job at your house which was my way to independence. I started my university degree in interior designing and lived a life of contentment during this 4 years. Mum and Ahmed just visit, make some threats and go away. But I am beyond being hurt" I summed it up for him leaving the beatings I get from mum and Ahmed now and then.

"I asked how often they abuse you?" he asked me.

"It use to be bad. 4 years go, Ahmed have beaten me until I was unconscious. Mum thinks I deserve it. But over the 4 years, they don't visit often and hardly any abuse. See, he even strike me as he thought we are living together. Please let it go. We have your life to sort after. Mine can wait"

He took my hand in his, surprising me. And he held it tight. He is trying to control his anger. I can see it. So I let him hold my hand for sometime.

"I will not let it go. He strike you when I was standing there. He strike you because of me. It is not my fault"

"Joe, No. No, it isn't your fault. Please...." before I finished the sentence he hugged me. He gave me a bone crushing hug, and held me for sometime while I sat there stunned.

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