5 How to break in to my house

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I saw him go in wonder as he step in my small studio. He was really taken by the set-up. Since most of the time we live in the hustle bustle of the city, I made my apartment in to an eco system where the roofs and walls are covered with different colors of climbers and creepers to give a wallpaper look, and rest of the house equally giving prominence to plants and flowers. Generally those who come once to my small space, always comes a second time.


"Do I pay you this well to do an interior full of plants? My god. This is genius work you know"  

"Well, some of these plants are from your garden. No, no. Don't give me that look. I didn't steal them. When your garden cut them off or remove them, I take it and replace it in my house. I cant afford some of these exotic plants. They are courtesy of you"

I need to arrange the sleeping arrangement soon. I am exhausted.

"Joe, please take the bed. NO, please don't argue. I am very tired. I sleep at before 10, and now it is almost 3 a.m. Take the bed, and I will take the sofa. There are new soap, toothbrush and some other toiletries in the washroom. We will sort out your clothes tomorrow"

"Okay, I wouldn't have objected the bed for today. Wanna share?" he asked  going towards the washroom.

"That is one bed I can avoid, given how populated it was until recently" I heard him laugh before going in.

I have to keep my abaaya and hijab all times as long as Joe is here, which is going to be a big problem. I prefer having relaxing clothing when I am at home, but small sacrifice for a bigger cause. Joe took about 15 minutes . I had the bed arranged by then.

I know this is going to be a very testing experience for me, as when Joe came from the shower, he took my breath away. I hope my face isn't flushed or blushed. He doesn't have any clothes except for his trousers and tuxedo.

"I need to use your washing machine. And then, I need to sort out some clothing tomorrow. I will go crazy otherwise"

"Any chance of getting something from the penthouse?"

"Let's see. If I can go just once, I can do myself a service. Let me thank you again for all this" he said.

"No problem. I'll sort out the washing. Please go to bed. If anything wake me up" I told him with a smile. He looked totally taken. I am sure it is the house. But I also felt he was giving me a strange look. May be he is wondering if I am a gold digger. Well, I am sleepy and my mind is playing tricks. I settled Joe, then went and had a wash until the clothes are washed, then I prayed Isha. I have 3 more hours for Fajr. I can have a nap before that. I saw Joe watching me pray, and ofcourse I made dua for him. He deserves it. And I shame on me for not being bothered about a man being at home, I slept until Fajr.

I made sure I didn't wake Joe up when I got up. But I knew he was alert. May be he is finding it hard to sleep. My bed isn't the best, but that's all I can afford.

"Finding it difficult to sleep?" I asked him.

"I don't know. My mind is spinning. Just couldn't pull myself together"

"All your worries can wait until you get rested. Can I get your something to drink or eat? Its just 5 in the morning" I asked him.

"No. Do you have any sleeping pills by any chance?"

"Non Joe. Let me get you some warm milk with saffron. It helps"

Joe loved the saffron milk. Apparently the first time he had saffron in milk. Well there is a first time for everything. I recited Ayathul kursh on the milk. He need not know about it, but that will help him to sleep. And he did sleep. I got up around 9 a.m.

My body clock is early to sleep and early to rise. I didn't want to disturb Joe by starting to cook. He slept till 12. I kept the curtains down to give him the extra sleep.

"Hey, slept well?" I asked him smiling. He is a vision to hold even when he is still yawning.


I slept well after the milk. I saw Zahra praying. She reminded me of mum. She was concerned over me. I know she is not expecting anything in return by hosting me. May be all I will bring her is trouble, but she kind of kept an eye on me even when sleeping. She had her headscarf and wore something similar to the oversize coat and slept. I know I am violating her personal space but I need a temporary place to stay.

"Yea, thanks. That milk almost knocked me off. I didn't know I was that tired"

"I didn't start breakfast or lunch, as the noise might wake you up. But now that you are up, let me get the coffee and fix something to eat"

She got everything ready, including my clothes pressed and ready. I had the wonderful breakfast and a delicious coffee, and decided time to start some work.

"Zahra, I will just call dad and see how the situation is over there"

She only nodded.

I dialed dad. No answer. I dialed our lawyer Mr.Nickleson. No answer. I know then, they are screwing me. Last night I was locked from my own house. I need my stuff, if I am to fight back.

This time when I dialed dad picked.

"I don't want anything from you dad. I need my clothes that's all" I told him.

One time entry to my penthouse is all I need to take the documents and head out.

"How dare you call me? I disown you as of yesterday. Entry to all my properties are prohibited. I am getting a restrain order if you disobey me"

"Dad, when you finally see the truth, you will be more sorrier than me. But know this, you hurt me just by believing that two face bitch. I single handedly managed a mere 3 billion dollar company to 10 billion. I know my worth. It wont be long before all of you come to senses. But I warn you, it will be too late. I will go to my penthouse in 1 hours time, I will collect my clothing and I will leave" I told him sharply.

"You have only 5 minutes inside the house. Get whatever you want, and get the hell out of the house. This is the last time I will be hearing from you I hope" and he hung up.

"Zahra, come with me. I need your help. Do you know any of the help who are working today? Especially cleaning?"

"There is girl call Sandy. She does the cleaning on weekends"

"Can you give a call and check if she is there please?"

Zahra called while I tried to figure out how best to manage to get in to the library. May be I can take Zahra with me.

"She is working"

"Great. Zahra, how well do you know my library? Have you cleaned or done any work there?"

"I cleaned the books and tidy the room everyday. Why?"

"Then you are coming with me. While I distract everyone to get my stuff packing, can you go to my library, and open the locker, which is behind the picture frame of Mona Lisa. I will give you the locker number, and then take everything, I mean every thing except the Jewelries, back to me? I need all the documents"

She looked very concerned and worried. "Why cant I do it on Monday, when I am going to work rather than risk being found out today?"

"I am not sure my dad remembers about the locker. But I don't want to take a chance. He wont be able to open it, but he can always keep the library closed. So, I need those documents as soon as possible. Those can help me sort out few things"

She agreed.

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