3 Twist of fate

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"Sir, I saw you and... ahem.. you.... I was thinking......." I am babbling. Allah, I am a fool. I should have just walked away when I saw him. I have to kill Fathima, Marry and Neha soon after I escape this embarrassment.

"Hello to you too. Nice to see you again today" I could see my friends staring at us like we are two species from Mars.

"So, what are you doing at this time here?"


She is a sweet thing. I have seen her everyday cleaning my glass windows when I leave for work. Her "Good Mornings" are part of my daily rituals. Se is the only Muslim person in my house hold. I had my housekeeper oppose me when I made a quick decision to hire her based on her resume. I had a feeling she was desperate and her desperation was obvious in the CV. Not a day I regret having trusted my instincts.

I also liked her because not even once has she tried to be noticed. She is good at hiding on the background. But after I move the car, she will wait until the gates are close to resume work. Little does she know I have seen her little gesture of caring from my side glass. Only once I have spoken to her. I don't mess with servants. That is not my nature. I am respected and honored by others also for a reason. So, it took me by surprise when she came and spoke to me.

From her expression I can tell two things. One, she thought if she go without saying hi and I notice her, that would be awkward when she return to work tomorrow. Second, she is considering how to run without further delay.

"I am here with friends. You see those three staring, yes, they are my friends" she pointed out to 3 girls openly staring with their jaws dropped. I smiled at them raising my coffee mug. I will be damned for not knowing this girls name.

"What's your name again?" I asked her. Seriously, it's such a shame. She was working for may be for around 5 years now I think.

"I am Zahra.  I should leave you to your work. Have a nice weekend sir"

Could she help me? She is a very loyal kind of a person. Will she be able to retrieve my documents, and bring them to me? I need to think.

"Zahra, please sit. I need to think this over but I think I might need your help" if the "O" in her mouth was any indication to her surprise, then it is a big surprise. But regardless of the bad mess I am in, it still made me laugh. Come on, I am not a tyrant. I have always treated servants with respect. I don't necessarily respect many woman or some of the people who I have dealings with. My temper and wrath are legendary. But thanks to my mother, I always treated all my maids and lower level employees with respect.

She is a beautiful thing even when she was wearing the uniform for maids, and an oversize coat over it. Around 5"7 in height, creamy complexion without any make up, eyes oh gosh, the eyes are a man's undoing. It is gold with a green outline. She could just slit a mans heart with just a look, so it is good most of the time she is keeping her eyes down, slender from what left to imagination from her face. Head scarf covering her hair. I am sure she could make half the models and actresses run out of business, had she choose to pursue that path. And now to think of it, is a mercy for all mankind that she is covered.

"Are you sure?" she asked really taken by surprise.

I have my secret safe in my library. If I give her the code, she might be able to retrieve the documents. It is a document with proof of my minor investments which I made as a teen under my name, some of my grandfathers gifts in property and stakes, my grandmothers jewelry which is suppose to go to my future wife,legal documents pertaining to my mother's will with the original copy, other legal document which I have to run through to see if there is a loop hole to get back what I want. No one knows about this place except me.

But there are obviously two problems.

One, she can run to my step mother and hand over everything, which will be the end of me. All the documents are originals, losing them will take years to win back any case I make.

Secondly, there are camera all over the penthouse. If she is caught, even though her intentions are good, she still may end up handing over what I don't want anyone to get hold of, in a golden platter.

"Yes, please sit" and obediently she sat, while her friends kept staring at us unblinking.

"I like your friends" I teased her. My goodness, I have lost everything except for my sense of humor which I never knew I had. But the smile I got was worth discovering any humor left in me. She could light up a room with a smile like that. I have to blame myself for not really noticing her, I mean really really noticing her until now.

"Zahra, something happened today. A reason why I am here, alone trying to split my hair as to what to do" she listened.

"I had a party with at my fathers house and something really bad happened" that earned a quick concern look. She looked directly in to my eyes.

"Is everything okay?"

"Not really. Tell me, you have met my step mother Stella, right? what do you think of that woman?"

She was taken back by that question. I know she has an opinion about Stella. But I think she is wondering if it is wise to trust me with that opinion.

Finally she said " she is a vile woman"

"Exactly. My dad was going to announce me as the CEO of the Malroy empire, and she make her move just then. She want the company either be handed over to her or her sons. When she couldn't get it done, she attacked me"

"Are you alright?" she asked as looking for some physical injury.

"No physical injury, except for my knuckles. I had to hit one of her sons" and a smile.

"Please continue" she is polite.

"She tried to kiss me when she saw my father enter the balcony behind me, and claimed I was trying to take advantage of her. This story is going to be all over tabloids and financial times tomorrow. So, I am giving you my perspective of the story"

She was looking at me really surprised. Does she believe me?

"You are not capable of attacking a woman let alone like someone like her, who is a snake" she told me.

"How do you know?"

"There are 5 of us working, or rather worked in your house hold. You have not imposed your self on any of us, regardless I have seen many literally throwing themselves at you. Also, I have seen many of your girlfriend. You have treated them also with respect. So, yes. I believe you" great. Her confession took me by surprise. So, if this is my general image, I have still hope to get back most of the employees.

"My dad threw me out of the company, and from everything I own. So I am kind of in a dilemma as we speak"

"How can he throw you out of a company which I believe is yours?"

"My mother had a trust made for me. 45% everything my dad own is mine. No one except me can withdraw cash from the trust, but with my dad's approval. Only after my dad dies, I can do whatever I want with the trust. So, as foolish I might be, I brought all my properties, vehicles and other financial investment under the Trust, as it is mine. Now dad can literally throw me away from all my property and money, and he did exactly that to avenge for whatever Stella said"

"Oh my God"

"I am reluctant to turn to friends now as the current atmosphere might end up creating more trouble for them than I care to admit. My dad can destroy a person. So yea, I am homeless, moneyless and friendless"

"What do you want me to do?" she asked me firmly. I know she will help me.

"I need some space to breath out this weekend. I will call the tabloids and explain them the situation. They can take sides for all I care. But those who know Stella, will know the truth. Give me your number. I will call you Sunday, and we can talk more"

And we exchange numbers. I could still see her friends looking at us unblinking.

"Where are you going to stay tonight?" she asked.

And indeed it is a good question.

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