Chapter 4- Does He Know?

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They walked down the hall after eight period together. Their lockers ended up in the same hallway! They went to their own lockers and gathered their things and met up again.

"Did i ever tell you how beautiful you are Ms. Davis?" Niall said to her. His crystal like blue eyes stared into hers. They both smiled, both blushing a little bit too.

"No you haven't Mr. Horan. Did i ever tell you have beautiful eyes?" Natalie spoke.

"I don't believe so," Niall reckoned.

"Well you do," Natalie smiled.

As the week went on they grew closer. They would tease each other about everything. They haven't hung out yet, but they still liked being around each other.

Friday night

"So, what do you wanna do for our first date?" Niall asked.

"Oh so we are calling this a date now, huh?" Natalie teased.

"We can make it one," Niall said charmingly.

"A date it is," Natalie said smiling and trying to hide her blushing.

They went to dinner at a little reastaurant called The Wharf, just off the beach. After they ate they took a walk on the beach during the sunset. Niall grabbed her hand and their fingers intertwined. It almost felt natural and like it's not something new to them. She thought he was gonna kiss her, but he wanted to take it slow. She hasn't thought about Liam since the day she met Niall.

Natalie's P.O.V.

The view of Niall is so much better than the view of the Beaufort sunset over the water. I think I am in love with him. Liam!

(Back to third person)

"I...I gotta go." Natalie expressed. She ran home before Niall could stop her. She ran into her room hoping her parents weren't home. She grabbed her phone out and dialed Liam's number.

"Liam?!" Natalie spoke with a nervous tone.

"Natalie? What do you want?" Liam said.

"Can I come over?" Natalie asked.

"I guess. Is something wrong?" Liam responded.

"No, I just want to see you." Natalie mumbled.

"Ok? The front door is unlocked," Liam told her.

"Ok I'm coming." Natalie said.

She grabbed her purse and her car keys and got into the car. She turned the radio up to drain her thoughts. She had no idea what she was doing going to see Liam. Her phone rang in her lap. It was Niall but she ignored it. She will get back to him later and explain.

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