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Ziva's point of view

I am now 6 months pregant and no one will let me do any field work. I am stuck behind my desk. The case that we are now trying to solve is finding a man with his feet cut off in a car. I am finding information about our victim and signed for results that Abby has collected. 

Tony and I were behind both at our desks working. Everyone else was working. Gibbs and McGee went out into the field to interview someone. I felt the baby kicking so I waddled over to Tony's desk and sat on his lap. I picked up his hand and put it on my belly. He looked up at me with a smile in his face. Gibbs walked by the desk and so I got off of Tony's lap. I went up to Gibbs and kissed him on the cheek. I put his hand on my belly and he was overjoyed. Abby came running over yelling, "Gibbs i have some great evidence." Her jaw dropped and she said, "OMG Ziva can I touch your belly." I said of course and put her hand on my belly and she felt the baby kick also.

Tony's point of view

I watched as she got so excited as everyone was touching her belly. I watched as her brunette hair just was all over he shoulder and was dressed in a yellow sweater and a pair of jeans. She looked absolutley beautiful. I thought to myself and remebered that I was going to be a father with the woman that i love again. We will be having our fourth child and I am so ecstatic. The way that my life looked just made me feel like i was right where I was supposed to be. The case that we are now trying to solve is too dangerous for Ziva to be out in the field. If something were to happen to her I don't know what I would do. She is the love of my life the mother of my children. I can't replace someone into those shoes. No one could ever replace Ziva. The fact that this case involves Ziva's father and she does not even know it scares me. Mussad is the one that is killing everone and utting off their feet. THe perpetrators are what we are looking for and Gibbs has decided that it would be definetly better to leave Ziva out of the loop with Mussad because we know that they are trying to get to her and that will never happen.

Author's note;

 Just a filler chapter but promise to update more.

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