Everything is going to be alright

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Authors note: Hello all my wondefully fantastic awesome readers I am so sorry that I haven't updated in while but I really appreciate all of the kind comments that i recieved lets keep the comments coming. Tell me how you like the book. Well back to the book:

Tony's Point of View

I arrived at the hospital and practically sprinted to the nurses station. The kind nurse told me, "Miss. Dinozzo is in surgery. I am going to escort you to the private waiting room. The doctor will send a nurse out with an update. Sir there is nothing else that I can tell you." She led me  to the private room with Gibbs following behind me.

She was about to leave when Gibbs told her to wait. He raised his badge up and a gun to her and told her to get an update. She went running out of the room. I said to Gibbs, "Really. You had to pull a gun on her. She's just a nurse." 

A nurse came into the room and said, "It is too early to tell if she is going to make it." The nurse left and Gibbs came over and handed me a tissuse so I could wipe my tears away. 

Gibbs says to me, "Dinozzo tell me how you and my daughter, Ziva got engaged and when you guys had your first date." 

I laughed and said, "It's actually a good story. Our first date was actually a funny story. My dad was in town and decided that he wanted to have Ziva, Abby and Tim over for dinner. He actually set up everyone. He left the apartment when everyone came over. THe whole thing was catered and Ziva and i just sat there telling stories and laughing. It was almost as if she and I were meant to be together. It felt right. It couldn't have felt any better. We talked about how we were best friends. At the end of the night, Abby and Tim left first and I kissed Ziva on the cheek as she was leaving and she told me that she wanted to do this again. I thought she was joking so I started to laugh. I soon realized that she wasn't kidding because she pulled a gun on me. We then would go on dates after that. We didn't want to risk our jobs so we didn't have our first real kiss for at least six months after we started dating. But that was that.  Now the day that we got engaged. We were actually in Paris on the mission and I left clues all over the city for her that would lead her. She got to the end of course with her gun in her hand. We were on the top of the eiffel tower and I got down on one knee. I said to her, Ziva Davide you are the love of my life. I don't need anything else as long as your by my side Be my everlasting. Marry me. of coure she didn't believe me and pulled the gun out on me again and she laughed and we kissed and the eiffel tower lit up. She put on my ring and she loved it."

Gibbs had a smile on his face and while he was laughing he said, "She actually pulled a gun on you when you proposed." I responded by saying, "Yeah, i wore a bullet proof vest that day because I wasn't sure if she was actually going to shoot me."

We laughed together and then the doctor walked in. He said," We are very lucky. We were able to save Mrs. Dinozzo. The medicine that was injected was a horse tranquiliizer. Surprisingly I know how to work with this drug so we stopped it from paralyzing her. As for the baby, the amount of bleeding occured must have been the baby because we weren't able to locate a heart beat. Now we took a closer look at the situation and figured out that your baby  wouldn't even have survived if this didn't even happen. I am sorry but there was nothing you could do." 

I thanked the doctor and told him that losing the baby did hurt but losing Ziva would have hurt even more. I wouldn't be able to imagine my life without her anyway. 

The doctor led me to Ziva's room where I saw her crying. I told her to scooch over and she did. I laid down on the bed and put my arms around Ziva and comforted even though we lost the baby. We didn't lose our love. We still have that, our wonderful family, and our jobs. 

I dried her tears and she fell asleep in my arms and I watched over her until I too fell asleep. The world was good when I was sleeping, but when we woke up it is a different story. 

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