Chapter XVI

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About twenty minutes later I arrived at the hotel Hunter was staying at and I noticed he was already there standing outside. I then parked the car and took a deep breath before getting out. He gestured me to come over as I closed my car door.

I walked over to him and before he could say anything I pulled him into the hotel room. Once he closed the door I stood there playing with my hands and looking down. "There's something bothering you." I just looked at him not saying anything. "You know you can tell me anything" he spoke again. I then felt my face start to get hot and my knees go weak.

"What is wrong Aryana please tell me you're starting to scare me" he said getting closer to me.

I looked up into his mesmerizing blue eyes and completely lost it......

"Mi-M-Mikey has been seeing this other girl since I don't even know how long and they apparently hooked up while I was unconscious in the fucking hospital like are you serious? and to be honest I don't even know why I'm upset because we technically weren't even together..... it just hurts" I cried out with my hands on my face. I had never cried in front of anyone before but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

I then immediately felt his big arms engulf me into hug.

Hunters POV

Today I had a photo shoot with a newlywed couple and before I even get to taking pictures my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket seeing that I got a text message from Aryana.

Hey this is gonna make me seem like a bad person but I need a shoulder to cry on if you're still in town.

I quickly replied with:

Yeah no I'm still here I'm at a photo shoot though so I might be a little late.


That's fine I just need to get some things off my chest.

Even though I thought I would be the last person she would come to talk to it made me smile.


No problem I'll be there soon

I then sent her the address and locked my phone putting it in my pocket.

Suddenly thunderstorm clouds starting forming causing us to have to end the shoot early. After gathering all of my equipment, I decided to call an Uber to get back to the hotel before Aryana did. The Uber came rather quickly and I was at the hotel in under ten minutes. I went inside the hotel room to put my stuff down and I saw she was here.

I turned around to go outside to greet her but before I was able to say anything I felt her drag me into the hotel room. Confused I closed the door and looked at her "There's something bothering you."

I had always been able to tell if something was up with her. She would get this painful look in her eyes and her smile wouldn't be as bright as usual

"You know you can tell me anything" I said. She still stood there silent.

"What is wrong Aryana please tell me you're starting to scare me" I said walking closer to her.

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