On the run

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Lance feel to the ground unconscious as Lotor watched in horror as he looked back at Acxa with a snarl grabbing the barrel of her gun aiming it down before she let another blast hit him.

Acxa glared as she grabbed her second blaster and shot Lotor before he could see it coming. His body fell limp near lances with a groan

"Did you kill them?" Zethrid ran over with Ezor.

"They're just stunned," Acxa answers as ezor looked at Lance with wide eyes.

"Why did you shoot Lance?" She gulped seeing her close friend.

"He'd never betray Lotor," Acxa looked at her. "It's better this way,"

"We're not turning him in too... Are we?" She asked.


"Acxa?" Ezor said seriously.

"Help me secure them, let's make this quick," Acxa told the girls as they looked at the men.


Lotor groaned as he slowly gained consciousness again and gasped softly when he felt his wrist bind behind him. He groaned softly annoyed as he tugged on the cuffs behind his back.

"What are you doing? What have you done?" Lotor glared.

"Where's Lance? Where are you taking me?" Lotor asked frustrated yet sounded tired in his calm smooth voice.

"I'm sorry sir, nothing personal, this is our only way out," Zethrid said softly as she truly felt sorry for doing this.

"Where is Lance?" He asked again but anger filled his chest now.

"He's safe on this ship as well," she looked down. "Just unconscious,"

"You plan to give me up, I understand Zethrid," Lotor looked at her.

"You do what you must, and I'll do what I must," Lotor glared looking back and grunted as he dislocated his shoulders to roll them over to the front as they popped back into place and snapped the cuffs on his wrist. He gained control of his ship again.

"What the-" Zethrid saw her screen ring and suddenly was launched out of her seat as Lotor blasted himself at top speeds out of the area.

"Well there goes are bargaining ship," Zethrid landed on the second ship where Acxa and Ezor were.

"Now we're dead as Lotor," she growled.


Lotor set his ship on auto pilot to specific coordinates. He let out a tired sigh laying his head back. His eyes fluttered closed as sleep surrounded and took over his body.

Lance woke up with a groan as he felt his wrist chained too but looked around frantically not knowing where he was.

"Ezor? Zethrid? Acxa?" He grunted but a screen pulled up in front of him to the other pilot seat and saw Lotor sleeping.

He looked back and saw they where alone, no other fighter, no Zethrid on the ship.

"Lotor?" He gulped but waited a few seconds.

"I'm here, Get some rest," lotor sighed from the other side.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked concerned.

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