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"How's the fight?" Lance asked as Coran was in the control room while five lions where fighting outside against battle fighters.

"Lance!" Coran hugged him tightly as Lance almost fell due to his leg in a brace but Lotor helped him steady but the alteans grip around him stayed.

"Thanks for caring Coran," Lance joked at the older man as Lotor and Keith contacted the lions while Lance was trying to comfort yet peal off Coran.

"Paladins," Lotor brought up a screen showing the five. They grunted as a blast hit the castle once again.

"There's to many of them!" Hunk cried out as he shot back at some fighters.

"Does this castle have a defense system?" Lotor looked at the others.

"Yea but we don't have enough of Allura's Magic to fight back without getting ride of the particle barrier," Coran let go of Lance and Keith helped him balance with his leg.

"Princess Allura has magic?" Lotor asked and Coran nodded.

"She powers the castle but alteans can move the castle," Pidge summed it up with a small grunt from the battle.

"Lotor your altean, can you do anything?" Lance asked, his secret was out, they knew he was half altean.

"He is a prince," Allura agreed and Lotor narrowed his eyes at her. Lance was right on how she'd treat him differently for knowing he was altean, but he didn't like how it happened and for the reasons.

"It won't work, I must go," Lotor walked out of the room sending Lance a small look and the human nodded as if they could read minds.

"Wait where is he going?" Keith asked as lances arm was around him to stay up.

"You guys really forgot how we got here in the first place?" Lance smirked as he limped to the controls as he opened the garage and another screen showing Lotor with his helmet on.

"The comet..."

"You guys know your really easy to steal from," Lance chuckled as Lotor flew out and Coran stood near him as Keith crossed his arms standing behind him.

"That was low for using the altean signal," Keith said with a little sarcasm.

"Whatcha going to do about it now," Lance shrugged.

"Fill me in on the plan, I was gone for a moment," he turned to the screen and Lotor glared at him.

"It's a joke lo," Lance said flatly.

"Not amusing,"

"I know grumpy, Shiro, plan?" Lance shook his head looking at the black paladin.

"Use the rest and all of allura's Magic to get us out of here, there's to many for us to win the fight," Shiro told him.

"What? That's it?" Keith raised an eye brow. They saw a blast coming their way but a second blast cut it off and Lotors comet fighter flew past the castle at incredible speeds.

"Oh I so want one," Keiths jaw dropped.

"I know right," Lance smirked at him.

"Your going to need to form Voltron for us to get a worm hole going, may take a few minutes," Lance explained.

"When did you get so leader like?" Pidge raised an eye brow.

"Pidge Podge, darling, I'm still a general technically," Lance wiggled his eyebrows at her with a grin.

"Technically yea," Lotor agreed.

"That's bullshit, you can't have your boyfriend be your boss!" She whined.

"Can and did,"

"Paladins!" Allura snapped as they where still in battle.

"Sorry, alright Coran can you translate this?" Lance looked down.

As the three worked on fighting back on the inside Lotor focused on backing off the galra empire that was once in his position.

"Lotor do you know any codes to shut down the ion canon from here?" Pidge asked and Lotor notice she was no longer hostile, he only could imagine her and Lance made up for the damaged of their friendship.

"I'll send you and the blue paladin the system now, I'm sure your smart enough to figure out the rest," Lotor nodded and she smirked as she got to work as well Matt who stuck out his tongue a little to focus.

"Shit!" Pidge cried out as a blast hit green.

"I can't do both," she groaned looking back at lotor.

"I will cover you both, but you must be quick," Lotor told her and Matt agreed.

"Quick is my middle name," Matt chuckled getting to work as the blue and green lion where near each other and the comet fighter as well as the other three lions fought back and protected them.

"No it's not dumbass, your middle name is Gunther," Pidge smirked.

"Hey, knock it off you two, Matt look out on your left," Shiro warned flying past them.

"Your names really Gunther?" Lance smirked.

"Lance yours is Charles," hunk said flatly.

"Charles?" Lotor raised an eye brow.

"We're still in battle you guys!" Keith snapped at them all.

"I'm in!"

"Got it!"

A worm hole opened up and the ion canon stopped shooting at them as Lotor blasted many of the fighters with a large powerful attack.

"Everyone in!" Lance called as lions passed through quickly as well as the fighter and soon the castle. Then it closed.

"Is everyone okay?" Shiro panted as adrenaline left his body.

"We're good, we have some time, let's get back to the castle," Matt nodded and soon everyone headed back.

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