Little sisters

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"Look, I don't trust you and you don't trust me, let's just get this over with quickly," Pidge said sharply as she piloted green to the galra ship but they had at least an hour till they arrived.

"It wasn't always like this Pidge, you use to be my little sister," Lance stood a little ways back leaning against the wall.

"You use to be honest with us too," she mumbled.

Pidge looked straight ahead as she remembered Lotors memories, lances confessions. He trusted Lotor more than he did with them, he told Lotor about himself than he would ever with them. His self worth, his feelings, his sister...

"Why did you never tell us?" She sighed closing her eyes.

"Tell you what?" Lance raised an eye brow.

"Anything? Why was it through Lotors memories we found out more about you than the year we spent together in garrisons or the months in space?" She asked a little hurt still.

"I didn't want you to worry about me, a lot was going on and it's was a big reason I went to garrisons was to get away from it all," he explained a little. "It's complicated,"

"Is that why you had such a big thing on replacements?" Pidge looked at him curiously. Lance looked at her in disbelief.

"Having a dead sister and being a twin, yea sure I have some issues with it," he told her a little bitter about it. 

"Do you think I replaced Chloe with you?" Lance asked sitting up more and looked at her worried.

"Isn't that what you did?" She looked back at him setting green on auto pilot.

"No, Chloe I could never replace her, but you where like a sister to me as hunk is a brother, you two surprisingly share traits such as the attitude bullshit, your additions to my family but never replacements," he explained to her a little softer.

"but I... I never told you guys any of that cause I didn't want your pity, I didn't want to be a burden because you felt bad for me," Lance sighed looking away.

"I didn't tell you about my depression because I've had it for years and I thought if I could keep it locked away and throw away the key, maybe it would go away, that's how it's always been," he closed his eyes.

"That's why I barely stopped you from finding Matt, because I knew what it's like to fear it's being to late," he looked back up and Pidge had tears in her eyes.

"Chloe didn't die right away did she?" She whispered and Lance felt tears in his eyes.

"No, she had a broken rib that damaged her lungs and crack in her skull, doctors said she would it make it through the night, so I stayed up holding her hand as my arm was broken and collarbone was fractured, but I felt her hand go limp, my older brother blamed me," Lance gulped.

"Was it... Your fault?"


"A semi was switching lanes on a freeway and I was to close to the back that I was in a blind spot, he knocked us off the road and I crashed into a tree, it was my fault for being so dumb, my family blames me.. I would give my life up a hundred times if that meant she could still be here," Lance slid down the wall as a tear slipped.

"Lance..." Pidge knelt down to him.

"Hunks the only one that knows cause he tried celebrating my birthday," Lance shook his head.

"Chloe Maria McClain, December 23rd at 4:58 in the morning she was born on... July 28th 1:09 in the morning she died..." Lances voice was raspy as Pidge put a hand over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he waved it off and looked away trying not to be weak.

"Shut up," she snapped.

"Don't you ever be sorry for mourning over your sister, don't you dare be sorry for getting upset because you lost a precious little girl who was your world, don't you dare be fucking sorry," Pidge hugged him around the neck as tears traveled down her face.

"Promise you'll never say sorry for crying for your baby sister, I should be saying sorry for making you cry ever, you don't deserve it," she buried her face in lances shoulder sobbing silently.

"I'm so sorry for every thing I said to you, I'm
So sorry lance," she held onto him tightly as lance cradled her close.

"I forgive you, I just want your respect at least," Lance hugged her back tightly.

"You have my trust and respect, and love, I'm so sorry Lance," she gulped.

"It's okay now Katie, that's all I ever wanted," Lance smiled relieved.

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