A new defender

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"Fighter squadron Djalg 14 report in,"

"Djalg 14 here, no sign of Lotor in this zone, moving to zone everall 71,"

"Copy, fighter squadron Djalg 15 report in,"

"Djalg 15 here, no sign of Lotor," the conversation continued as Lance zoned out boredly as he had his arms crossed and leaned on the window barley even awake but some words caught Lotors attention as he opened his eyes.

"We expect massive detonation soon that will wipe out everything in the quadrant," a voice said Lotor listened to it.

"Stay out of the area,"


"Is that where we're going?" Lance asked quietly as he was tired and hungry. He yawned rubbing his eyes a little trying to wake himself up.

"As an earth term I know, we're going to fuck with them," Lotor smirked and Lance sat up smirking back with a nod. Lotor powered the ship back up and turned the it around, boosted themselves forward to the coordinates.

"So what with that area?" Lance asked as they drove through space.

"The planet Naxzela is a bomb probably because of the druids, able to destroy anything within galaxies of it," Lotor explained and Lance looked ahead with barely any emotion but nodded. Druids meant Hagar and she needed to go down.

"Let's take it out,"


They came up to a planet as Lance saw warnings around them of the planet but Lance saw a ship heading to the shield of the bomb.

"They're weapons won't be able to defuse the bomb," Lance stated pulling up some screens to look further into it.

"That's a suicide ship, not one of the galra's," Lotor narrowed his eyes noticing the difference between the two.

"If Voltron can't defuse it, we'll all die..." Lance whispered and Lotor waited a moment.

"That's not a galra piloting the ship," Lotor said again.

"And it's not the planet that's activating the bomb, it's the galra cruiser," Lotor looked at the ship near by.

"Their weapons can't destroy the shield or the ship," he told lance.

"Ours will," Lance nodded understanding and pushed the controls forward pressing a button for a power blast of their ion canon charged up and shot at the shield, cutting clean through the shield around the ship and defused the bomb. Lotor pushed forward as the blast strongly kept attacking with one solid attack as Lance looked determined and Lotor had no emotion.

The small ship pulled up immediately and got away from the planet. Proof it wasn't galra and was truly a suicide ship when they retreated from their mission.

"Yay!" Lance gasped with a smile. "It worked!" He looked at Lotor with excitement.

"It better have, otherwise my ship had more flaws than I thought," Lotor smirked and Lance chuckled.

"Should we get out of here?" Lance saw Voltron in the distance.

"We have no where to go," Lotor told him softly and Lance paled.

"Please don't tell me you are really considering..." Lance trailed off.

"I'm sorry my love but it's the only way we may have a chance to end this war," Lotor sighed and Lance closed his eyes clenching his teeth.

"They said to never come back,"

"Lotor you set this up? You knew voltron was here?" He looked at his boyfriend nervously seeing the lions close by.

"I will never let them hurt you my love, I'll be there with you this time," Lotor explained gently.

"Are you sure we have to do this? You haven't dealt with their rage like this.. I betrayed them..." lance gulped looking at his lap with his hand still cuffed together.

"Well your not one of them, you don't take orders from Voltron, your mine and if they dare try anything they will regret it," Lotor said strongly yet comfortingly. Lance smiled at him a little trusting his words, he's always going to trust Lotor, he's never broken his promises.

"Alright, I'm with you, not them," Lance nodded but regret was already clouding him.


"Naxzela is returning to normal! You did it!" Coran gasped happily as he watched the planet on the castle.

"Good work Keith," Shiro smiled.

"It wasn't me," Keith answered as he was on that suicide ship.

"It was Lotor..." He saw the fighter as it got closer to them all. Lotor was here and yet he saved their lives, how did he know in the first place? Why was he here?

"The canon on his ship was the only thing powerful enough to take down that shield," he explained.

Lotor made a call to get in contact with all the Paladins and the castle of lions as there was two screens showing the prince of the galra and one of his generals that had a black out helmet to hide their face.

"Paladins of volron and rebel fighters, I know we've had our differences in the past but... I think it is time we had a discussion," Lotor smirked as he contacted them and Lance stayed silent as he looked down at his lap.

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