Just breathe

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"Is he going to be okay?"

Lotor looked up seeing Keith who was visibly having a melt down, he couldn't handle all of this-this drama, it was overwhelming.

Lotor motioned to next to him and Keith sat with the fellow galra in the spare room. They sat in silence for a while, it wasn't awkward nor tense, it was comfortable, it's what they needed.

"They didn't cut off his leg," Keith gulped as if he was going to be sick and Lotor closed his eyes. Just the thought of... That...

"Is he going to be okay?" Keith asked looking at the prince.

"I only can pray to the stars he will," Lotor whispered.

"I'm glad he found you, even if it was a weird way, I never seen Lance so happy with someone, not since we came to space," Keith sighed and Lotor looked at him a little.

"I saw the memories," he bit his bottom lip and Lotor nodded.

"He told me, he once loved you, I understand how, your an admirable person," Lotor sat up straight.

"Why do you say it like that?" Keith raised an eye brow.

"Because this war will go on, I don't know for how long, but it will continue, and in that time, something is possible if ending me, for being a traitor or a galra, I know many would celebrate my death," Lotor told him and Keiths breath hitched.

"And if that day comes, I want to know someone is there to take care of him, to show him love, I want that someone to be you, I know your strong enough, but if I ever fail to protect or be there for my love, I can only pray that you'll be there for him," Lotor looked at the floor.

"Your not going to die Lotor," Keith told him.

"You don't know that,"

"Lotor your not allowed to die! You have his heart you have his trust and his love, don't give your life up so he can be left behind once again, he would to do anything and everything for you, if you die and leave him alone then you will be the one to put him in misery, not this war," Keith stood up.

"Live for him, don't die for him," he glared down at the prince.

"I was to late, you have his heart, don't shatter it," he placed a hand on Lotors shoulder at they stared at each other and Lotor nodded.

"I understand," Lotor said softly.

"And I thank you, times are rough for all of us, but what I said still stands, but only if that day's comes," he smirked and Keith hesitated but nodded.

"I take care of my team, my friends, it's a deal,"


They waited outside of a healing pod to speed things up as Lotor watched Lance breath softly with a calm face. He didn't dare look away from his face.

Pidge, Matt and hunk came together to make a brace for lances leg and attached it to lances knee before he was set in the pod to be healed quickly. Lotor held bags under his eyes and hand his hair in a messy pony tail, Lance would disapprove and fix his hair and make him do a face mask to relax. Lance knew him, and Lotor knew Lance. Things don't seem right anymore though... one without the other was a disaster.

Not as in anything is wrong with their relationship but how life was working for them both, being on this ship, not having Acxa, Ezor or Zethrid... Or Narti... Lotor even missed nayla. A first friend when he was young, an old friend that he trusted.

They waited a while longer as a few Paladins where speaking but Lotor stayed silent as he was distant from the group. He didn't belong here. He stayed for Lance. Lotor wanted things to be like before.

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