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Hi everyone I won't rabble I promise just wanted to say have a nice day and hope you all are enjoying the story. Now ON WITH IT!!

Luigi woke up with something or someone laying on him

"As he looked down he saw Rosalina sleeping soundly"

Well looks I'm stuck here with her whether I like it or not. He whispered.

"So he just watched TV as she slept listening to news reporters talk about how Bowser has been suspiciously inactive the past 2 weeks and reports on Mario's injuries"

It's always something going on can never be smooth going.

What can't ever go smoothly. Rosalina asked as she looked at him.

Oh sorry did i wake you? You can go back to sleep if you want. He said slightly blushing.

"She quicky picked up on why he blushed and her face reddened as she quickly sat up" Sorry if I prevent you from getting up I was...just having a good dream.

It's fine you didn't bother me.He said. It was actually ....a little....nice. "Luigi quickly looked away embarrassed of what he just said.

Sigh, Luigi can we talk? It's important if I'm gonna be staying here. Rosalina stated. I don't wanna have it awkward between us.

Sure what's on your mind? Is it the Lumas cause it's fine I forgive them. They wanted to protect you and I understand that.

No it's just it's awkward between us. And I know you know what I'm talking about. So why don't we just stop dodging it and just let out our feelings?

Rosie...sigh, you're right. I feel as if I'm going down the same road as my brother and it's leading me to something I don't feel I know how to handle or am even ready for....

Rosalina gave him a sympathetic smiled. I've felt like a burden to you this entire time causing all this trouble. I'm sorry for things turning out this way. 

Don't worry let's just be happy we both have someone to lean on when needed.

It was Luigi's turned to be sympathetic before long they shared a heart warming hug as two people looked through the window from the bushes.

I knew it! I knew he had a thing for her it's so obvious. Waluigi proclaimed.

Remind me again why I'm here again? Wario asked. I could be making money right now instead of playing eye spy with you.

Ugh Luigi has a Vault with over 200 million worth of Gold,Jewels and Pearls. He pointed out. And if you help me frame Luigi I'll help you steal it.

Now your speaking my language where's the camera? Wario eagerly rubbed his hands together, drooling over imagining all the gold.

I swear I don't know if your my brother or not sometimes. Waluigi facepalmed. How does Mona even stand you...

Back inside the Mansion.

There was a knock at the door and someone shouting hello.

"Luigi answered the door to find Yoshi In a good mood" Hey Yoshi what brings you by?

Yoshi, I wanted to invite you to me and Birdo's anniversary party. But your gonna need a date to come it's a couples night after all.

Couples night eh? Sounds fun and don't worry about me I'll be there. "Luigi smiled with joy"

Got a Girl you plan on asking out huh. Bout time man can't wait to see who it is. Yoshi smirked,
I need to get going through I still got people to invite. Then I gotta help set up decorations. So I'll see you later Luigi. It's tomorrow night don't forget! "The green dino walked away waving"

Bye Yoshi see you tomorrow! "Luigi closed the door and did a little dance" Rosie we're going Shopping! He shouted.

Yay Shopping! I can buy a new dress. and some new make up and new outfits yes!! I should call Daisy she'll be so excited!

How do you feel? Are you up for dancing tomorrow or you need more time to recover? He asked with a curious face.

I feel fine and even better now since I have a excuse to go shopping. "she rushed into a room and started to get ready to buy a entire mall"

Heh heh I don't think I'll ever get tired of that." He said to himself'
But I do need a new Tuxedo or something flashy. Hmm maybe I'll ask Toadsworth where I should go to get something like that.

I should check in with peach and see is she still upset from yesterday. But I'll save that for another day.

He ran to his room to shower and get ready.

Somewhere in Bowser's castle

Soon we'll launch a All out assault on The Mushroom kingdom and since Mario won't be accompanied by his brother it should be easy to defeat him. Bowser laughed at his evil plan.

Dad all the airships are ready and loaded with Bomb-ombs we even have accustomed the ships with the Mecha Fist. Bowser Jr declared.

Excellent. Tell Kamek to Ready some new spells. I want no reason for failure and tell your brothers and sister to gather my minions and load them on the ships. There will be no stopping us this time! Bwahahaha.

Don't you worry peachy I'll be there soin just you wait. We'll live happily together now that those wretched plumbers are against each other. We'll bask in all the Glory as we rule the Kingdom and Conquer everyone who opposes us. Yes I can see it now my own Empire dedicated to me. And my own Delicious Victory cake.

Hi I told you all I wasn't gonna leave you all hanging so here it is chapter 13. Also I'm excited to announce that the book is almost at 300 reads!!! The support the votes and the comments all of it I thank you all so very much. To be honest I didn't expect the book to ever get this far but for once I'm glad to be wrong. Now im tired so as always I'll see you all next time Adiós!

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