Terrible twos

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Hi hello hey... Sorry little awkward right now. But nvm that I wanted to ask if your an author that customizes their covers where can I do the same. I most likely change the cover and name to something more suitable that's all I wanted to say. Now ON WITH IT!

As Mario and Luigi were running to the Mansion they had started arguing about the event that just took place.

Why did you just stand there and not help me?! You should've manned up and fought him you coward! 'Mario shouted as he followed in pursuit"

Well for your information I wasn't cowarding, After you got knocked into the desert table Peach,Rosie and Daisy got Snatched so I did what you did.
Only thing different was I destroyed the Mecha hands.

Grrr... Just shut up and think of how were gonna do this. We gotta journey all the way to Bowser's Castle, And I don't need you weighing me down.

Will you just shut up! You've been complaining about me for the past few days almost weeks!
I've been making a name for myself so will you lay off?

You know what screw you! I don't need you to save Peach or Daisy. Oh and another thing if you don't beat me there  I'll make a personal request to Bowser that She's killed. See ya Bro! "With that Mario made a sharp turn and left"

"Sigh" Making fun of me is one thing. Putting me down and making me seem like I'm worthless is another. But now you crossed the line with threatening her life.

"Luigi finally reached his mansion Grabbed a few Pairs of clothes, a Backpack and one of the Giant sacks of money he forgot to put back in his vault"

Thank you once again for endless pockets. Now I got clothes, money I should pack some food for the road.

At Bowser's Castle

Why Didn't he just capture Peach? Why'd he capture us too? Rosalina asked.

I wanna know why we're in Cages and Peach isn't!? Daisy remarked" Stupid turtle I'm gonna make him regret putting me in a cage.

Maybe i can send a Messenger Lumas to all of them... hopefully it can help them find us.

Waluigi isn't coming to save me he's too lazy and Mario is too beat up to come. If either of them come I'll be surprised.

So just to Luigi wouldn't he need help fighting Bowser? She asked holding her wand up"

Yeah he might, this place is full of lava,traps and more lava so he'll need some sort of back up. Oh tell him to bring us some food I'm starving and this food here sucks.

Ok I'll send a messenger to him then. "Rosalina waved her wand in a circle forming a ball of light and sent it off out a window"

Back at the Mansion

Sir Luigi shouldn't you be at the party with Yoshi and Birdo? Terry asked".

The party was crashed and Peach,Daisy and Rosie was captured by Bowser and now they're being held prisoner.
"Luigi packed up his food and threw on a coat and Backpack and started to head for the door"

Terry take care of the place for me ok and tell E.Gadd to be on stand by.

Will do. Good luck on your Journey and stay safe.

Luigi Nodded and left out the door heading to where all journeys to Bowser's castle started heading for the portal of world 1

Somewhere in space

Commander we've just received a message from Mama! "A blue Luma shouted"

Well out with it Felix is she returning?

No sir she's been captured and being held in a cage at Bowser's castle! She wants a messenger to seek out a man in green and bring food.

Is it the same one that helped us last month? The quiet fellow.
Hmm I guess we have no choice orders are orders after all.

Felix I'm sending you to be the assistance take this" he handed over a box full unknown items"
Take this and give it to him he just arrived in the first world so that's where your set to go.
Mama is counting on you solider!

Yes sir! "The Blue Luma left as soon as he could with a Picture of Luigi to know who he was looking for"

World 1 Hilly Grasslands

Ok I'm through the portal now I gotta make my way to the next...
"He felt someone tap on the shoulder" Huh?...... Crap "Luigi was staring at an group of koopa,goombas, and winged versions of them"

Well this is a great start to things.
"Luigi jumped on the Turtle then knocked him into the enemies coming right after him earning 3 lives in the process" easy peasy least for now

Luigi had wondered into a nearby village and used a Ice flower ready to fight Incase of and ambush

"Luigi was greeted by a bean person"

Hello are you a tourist? Maybe an adventurer of some kind?

Yeah I'm and Adventurer I'm looking for the portal to world 2. Could you point me in the right direction of it?

I'm sorry but I can't do that not till you give me a dish that wows me.

"Luigi quickly handed him some Lasagna"

Wow um... Seriously? The stranger asked.

Sorry but I have no time to waste I'm on a important mission. Luigi said zipping his Backpack closed.

Oh.. its that way "the bean pointed to a tall hill surrounded by wandering Koopas and piranha plants"

Thank you "Luigi froze the ground as he skated to the portal freezing any enemies that tried to interrupt him" you all need to take a chill pill heh heh.

Luigi did a Triple axel as he stuck the landing before the portal and jumped through as Felix had barely missed him and went through as well

Okie dokey that's all folks anyways I don't have anything to say but thank you for your support and I hope I've made you add this story to your library or at least gotten you interested. Anyway as always I'll see you next time peeps Adios

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