Wrath of Peach

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Heyo sup people hope you all had a good day if not just play some music. It always helps no matter who you are. Now since I don't got anything else to say. ON WITH IT!

I'm glad you called me for such a activity Luigi tuxedos are my specialty after all. Your brother would never wear one of these things which is of course inevitable. I mean how does he expect to look presentable at a wedding or Funeral. Toadsworth rabbled on.

I regret ever coming to you. Luigi muttered" I don't know why Mario would never wear one.
I've only seen him wear a tuxedo once and that was for prom. Come to think of it he's never really dressed up.

No matter least one of you has good taste in fashion. Now what tux would SUIT you best. Hmm.

Hello may I help you two Gentlemen a Goomba asked. Oh where are my manners I'm Vince it's a pleasure you both Must be Sirs Luigi and Toadsworth if I'm correct.

You are correct Vince and yes you can help us. Luigi here needs a tuxedo for a event tomorrow.

Ah yes come over here and I'll take your measurements. We'll have a suit for whatever measurements turn up so you won't have to wait.

"As the Goomba took Luigi's measurements Luigi looked very confused how a Goomba is able to get take measurements"

He'll be a Slim Large not much on the waist but more in height.
"A boo came out holding a Black tuxedo and handed it to Vince"
Thank you Rachel.

I guess I'll try it on." Luigi said taking the suit and putting it on.
... It's a perfect fit.. how did you guys do that?

We're the best Tailors in the world. Vince stated proudly. We get it on the first try or it's on the house.

That's some bold words. But hey if you can back it up why not?
"Luigi shrugged"

That'll be 189 coins "the Goomba said" as he worked the register.
"Toadsworth payed for the suit and picked it up as the two walked out the store"

Never thought I'd say this but your alright Toadsworth least in my book. Luigi smiled a bit.

Heh heh heh. Let's just hope your book is a best seller. I'd be almost as famous as Mario in that case.

Luigi stopped smiling and went back to rolling his eyes.

Somewhere at the mall

Daisy your sure this dress would suit me? I'm not entirely sure yellow is my color.

Hmm maybe your right. What colors do you like that's NOT LIGHT BLUE! You gotta wear something else. Daisy Exclaimed.

Well what are you wearing to Yoshi's party? Orange and Yellow I presume. Rosalina shot back.

Fine you got me "she admitted while she held up a dress. Fine I'll wear something different if you do deal?

That's fine with me but I think you should wear maybe a black and red dress. Hmm yes this one right here It's perfect it's below the knees so your comfortable.

I swear if anyone says I look bad im coming after you Rosie. She joked. My turn! What to choose what to choose...no pink I'm pretty sure peach has that covered. I'm going in red and your not wearing light blue. So how about Emerald green? I know your going with Luigi so why not surprise him? She smirked.

"Rosalina's face turned slightly red" No i rather wear orange please...

Aw why not are you embarrassed cause I think he'll like it. And why would you wanna wear orange. As much as I like it it's not the greatest color especially for a dress.

"Rosalina sighed in defeat" I'll wear the green if it make you happy. But I swear I'm gonna hunt you down if I look terrible in this.

The two of them tried them on to make sure they fit and headed to the cashier to make their purchases

Ok so we're going to the Nail salon after this then shoe shopping. Then to the Hair salon bright and early tomorrow.
"Daisy grinned evily.

I thought you hated all that stuff your a tomboy after all!?

Yes but I know you hate it more than I do which is why I'm going through with this. Now c'mon let's go meet up with Peach.

The two left the store and walked around scanning the area for the pink princess.

Where could she be? Rosalina had asked"

Dunno maybe she's on a shopping spree and we just missed her. You know when Peach gets on a role she's almost impossible to stop.

True I just hope she doesn't end up buying the whole mall. Remember 2 years ago she literally bought out a entire mall and had the shopkeepers make her clothes till they quit their Jobs. Oh no... You don't think she?

No Rosie she's smarter than that but still where could she be?

Suddenly they heard a scream come from a nearby jewelry store and rushed over

"As the two arrived they saw Peach yelling and didn't dare go in"

I think it's better if we stay out here. She's already past the point of no return. Let's just stay out here till she calms down. Daisy suggested.

Inside the store

You tried to sell me a not only Flawed but FAKE diamond for the cost of a real one! Who is your manager! I DEMAND to speak with them now!

Um I am the Store manager Ms. Now please just calm down I didn't mean to-

Your the worst Manager and employee I've ever seen! "Peach's emotions became unstable and now she was in a unstoppable rage"

Peach started Throwing merchandise around the store smashing shelves and breaking glass in the process eventually causing the shelves behind the manager to collapse and pile on top him.

"Peach walked out with a smile on her face like nothing happened only to see her two best friends looking scared"

How much of that did you both see? Peach asked.

Let's just never talk about it again and keep moving...

Okay Rosie fine with me! "Peach smiled and joined the two as they continued their shopping'

I hate myself.... I hate.....myself for writing this.....ughhhh *starts crying* I hate my life!!

- please stand by-

Ok sorry bout that but alot of this chapter made me feel uncomfortable knowing I could've done more with the dresses and giving details but it made me feel so awkward it's cringe worthy. Yes I know about Women I've lived with a family full of females so yeah...pretty horrifying. Now while you all look Confused I'm gonna go stuff my face into a bucket of hot water. Adiós people

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