Chapter 2: Crepes

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John's eyes squinted against the light and then opened. He softly groaned at the time and stretched his arms high above his head. He felt the satisfying pop in his joints, signifying a proper stretch. He lifted his body from his soft pillow and tilted his head up to get a whiff of the smell in the air. Kicking off the blankets, John shuffled into the kitchen. There, Laf stood over the stove, a tray of warm strawberry crepes resting on the counter beside him. Laf swayed to a song playing softly from his headphones, as he pulled a small saucepan of white chocolate ganache from the stove. He lifted his fork and drizzled the chocolate over the awaiting crepes, giving John a soft smile of acknowledgment. With the final touch added, he ushered John in closer to examine his work. 

  "Do you think the presentation is too much?" asked Laf as he pulled out one of his earbuds, a hint of concern in his tone.

 "I think it looks good," said John " did you make some for me?"

"Yep," Laf chirped "they're on the other counter. Now if you will excuse me, I'll be taking these next door."

Laf lifted the tray with both hands, shifting it to rest on his hip as he opened the door. He struggled for a moment before it clicked open and John closed it softly behind him. John chuckling at his friend's struggle with the door handle. With the tray still pressed against his side, Laf lifted his free hand to knock on the door across the hall.  He smiled warmly as it was pulled open, but was slightly confused when someone he didn't recognize stood on the other side.

A shorter man with pale skin and shoulder-length black hair greeted him with a confused smile. He had tired brown eyes, with deep purple bags from a clear lack of sleep. His hair was unkempt, and his wrinkled shirt hung loosely off his figure. The man extended a hand,

   " Hello, my name is Alexander Hamilton, and I assume those crepes aren't for me."

Laf was silent for a beat, before sputtering to life. However, the words he spoke were not in English. In the confusion, he fell back into his more familiar roots and thus began speaking French to the man on the other side of the door.

Hello Mr. Hamilton, my name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. I've come to give breakfast to my friend Hercules.

Alex smiled, and with a breathy laugh replied back. 

I will go get him for you

   Laf was startled by the fact Alex spoke French, and it was evident in his facial expression. Alexander just gave a subtle smirk and disappeared into the dorm to get his roommate.

Laf was taken aback for a moment. Firstly, by his own return to his first language and secondly by Alex's clear and fluent reply. He didn't dwell in this confusion long before Herc appeared on the door. Herc's shirt was visibly scrunched and his hair formed a fuzzy halo around his head. The man had obviously gotten out of bed in a hurry and was still trying to quickly rub the sleep from his eyes. 

    "Hey, Laf what are y- whoa those look amazing." Herc stopped to admire delicious-looking crepes. He looked up at Laf who's smile shone brightly from the complement.

   "They're for you mon ami," Laf beamed with happiness. " Please help yourself."

   Herc escorted Laf to the kitchen and Laf set the tray down on the counter. Herc grabbed a couple of forks just in case his guest wanted some as well. He turned to see Laf sitting on the counter softly swinging his legs.

Herc escorted Laf to the kitchen, taking the tray and setting it down on the counter. Laf looked around the dorm, boxes still not completely unpacked the floor. On the counter, his eyes grazed over some papers stained with coffee wrings, and he and he took a glance and Alex's name clearly written at the top. Herc, eager to try the delicious-looking meal, rummaged through a box on the kitchen counter and pulled out a couple of forks. He offered one to his guest who cautiously took it. Herc then leaned over the counter and got a forkful of the crepe. He took a bite and his eyes immediately lit up as he excitedly leaned back.

"You know," Her said, "when I said I had never had crepes I did not expect you to deliver them to me."

"I know," Laf replied with a laugh "but everyone should have a crepe once in their life."

Laf admired the smile his cooking had put on Herc's face. Those smiles are what Laf strived for, and Herc had one that left butterflies in Laf's stomach. Not to mention, the way his face warmed from the praise received by Herc as he continued to eat the crepes happily forkful after forkful. Laf and Herc shared the treat, occasionally engaging in pleasant small talk. Laf talked about how strange American customs were in comparison to that of the French, and Herc talked about being a fashion designer, to spite male stereotypes.

  "So, do you like your roommate?" Lafayette asked, once again glancing at the scattered papers on the counter.

  "Yeah he's a bit of a night owl, but other than that, he seems alright. He's an exchange student from the Caribbean working hard to get good grades and become a citizen. " Herc responded. 

Herc's phone buzzed and he pulled it from his pocket. Laf smiled and he extended his hand. 

  "Hey, hand me your phone for a minute. " Laf said.

  Herc looked into Laf's eyes, decerning a sort of playful mischief from his gaze. However, looking at the man caused a rush of color to his cheeks and a familiar lovestruck feeling to his gut. He turned his head away, pretending to take interest in Alex's slow saunter to retrieve more coffee from the kitchen. He held out his phone and held his breath as Laf's soft hand retrieved it from his grasp. When it returned to his waiting hand, he looked down at it. He smiles at the new name that greeted him in his contacts. He saw Laf had inputted his number and texted himself so that way he could have Herc's as well. He decided to change the contact name, changing it to LaffyTaffy with a smile. 

(Word count: 1173)

I understand that I take a while to update but I will at least every 2 weeks.

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