Chapter 9: Love & Lams

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" Wait," Alex said. " I have something for you to see."

Alex grabbed John by the hand and went through the gates into a park. It was fairly busy today, but not terrible. Not like it mattered. Alex knew where they were going. John followed winding through the unfamiliar park. 

"Close your eyes and trust me," Alex said.

"What? why?" John responded.

" Just do it.....please?"

John eventually caved and shut his eyes. Alexander grabbed his hand once more and lead him to the destination. John focused on his footsteps, taking note as they veered off the pavement and into the soft grass. His feet sinking into the soft ground. Alex halted, putting an arm in front of John to prevent him from stumbling too far forward. 

" Ok now open them," Alex said, and John thought he could hear the smile he was no doubt cracking.

When John opened his eyes he stood before a large pond. The water sparkled from the light of the afternoon sun. A willow tree draped over the water and below it, and a family of ducks happily swam. A soft breeze stirred the branches and cause the beams of sunlight to flicker. It was breathtaking, but that wasn't the surprise Alex had planned Alex lead John to the edge of the water and they sat down. John was so taken in by the view, that he almost didn't notice the baby turtle waddling along the shore. Upon seeing it he squealed in delight and it took all of his power not to pick up the tiny creature and take it home with him in his pocket Before long an entire family of turtles left the water to waddle along the shores of the pond. John could barely contain his excitement.

" Alex, how did you find this place?" John asked brightly.

" It was my first day in America, and I got lost and decided to go on a walk." Alex shrugged." Living in the Caribbean, there was plenty of sea turtles that came to the beach every year, but these ones are a little different."

John talked about the differences between sea turtles and other turtles,
pointing out every detail. Alexander found this adorable. He was totally crushing on this boy.As the last turtle returned to the water the two stood up. Well, at least tried to, as Alex tripped on a rock and would have fallen if John hadn't caught him.

" Walk much?" John giggled.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to," Alexander responded.

" Don't worry about it," John said, taking Alex's hand. " I'll hold onto you so you don't fall again.

The two of them headed home,

Side by side.

Hand in Hand.


(Word Count: 366)

   Hello, all my beautiful people. I just listened to "Quiet Uptown" and it made me all emotional. Either way, I hope this satisfied your Lams cravings.


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