Chapter 46: Meeting the Family

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They decided to drop off Angelica and Peggy at the hotel before heading to Lafayette's parents house. It was getting a little bit late so they were in a little bit of a hurry. John was in the backseat making Alex promise to be on his best behavior, while Lafayette explained that his mother spoke some English but his father did not and he had a younger sister named Adrienne who was seventeen.

When they arrived in front of the cute litte house, everyone got out of the car and headed for the door. Suddenly, the door was thrown open and a shorter woman, probably a bit older than forty, threw her arms around Lafayette.

"Bonjour mon fils" The woman shouted.

"Bonjour maman." Lafayette said with a grin.

"And these must be your friends." She said, while her thick French accent hung in the air. Then she proceeded to hug each one of them.

"Now, which one of these young men is my future son in law?" She beamed.

Herc gave her a shy wave and an awkward smile, feeling a bit of heat rush into his cheeks. Lafayette simply chuckled at his boyfriends suddenly introverted behaviour, to spite the fact his cheeks were turned red aswell. Lafayette's mother threw her arms around Herc, kissing him on both cheeks before pulling away.

"Welcome to our family, monsieur Hercules. Please come in come in." She said sweetly.

   Herc was still slightly shocked, but quickly followed the others inside. The house was warm and cheerful, and all the walls were covered in photos from Lafs childhood.

    There were photos of him eating huge fork fulls of crepes and riding his bike. Pictures of him and his sister Adrienne finger painting, and a picture of him playing video games with what appeared to be a teenage version of Thomas.

    As they enterd the living room Herc sat down beside Lafayette on the couch, while he spoke French to his family. Alex generously offered to play entrepreneur by sitting between Herc and John.

   Lafayette's mom did her best to keep Herc involved, but it always seemed to end in few word answers or awkward silence. Lafayette's mother was running out of opinions so she went straight to the point.

"So..... have you had sex yet?", Mrs. Lafayette's question was so casual Herc could of swore he had misheard.

"Um.... what?" Herc said quietly.

"Dont worry, we're all adults here, besides my husband doesn't speak English anyways." Mr. Lafayette states nonchalantly.

"So tell us Herc, have you and the baguette had sex yet?" Alex stated smugly.

    Herc glanced at Lafayette, who's face was now a deep shade of red. They glanced at eachother and thwn back to their friends and Laf's family. Lafayette's father looking more confused than ever.

"Um. Hercules, would you like to see my old bedroom?" Lafayette blurted out to escape this awkward conversation.

"Y-yeah, I would love too." Herc said, taking the chance to get away from the suddenly claustrophobic living room.

"To answer your question Mrs. Lafayette's. Yes, yes they have." Alex said with a grin.

(Word Count: 519)

   Hello to the beautiful people of the internet who read my books at 3a.m.. I hope your day was, and continues to be wonderful.


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