Chapter 47: Strange Yet Beautiful

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(Herc POV)

Lafayette very quickly helped me escape the awkward conversation, and lead me up the stairs to his bedroom, and shut the door. I glanced around the room and immediately imagined Lafayette growing up here. The walls were white, but were covered in art and posters, and a giant rainbow flag was on the wall next to his bed.

He had a TV and a small stack of video games. His shelves were mostly filled with cook books and random nik-naks. There was a small desk opposite the bed that looked to be kept somewhat tidy as did the rest of the room. It was just, strange yet beautiful.

Just like Laf.

"Im sorry about maman, she is very..... blunt."

"Don't worry babe," I said plantings a small kiss on his cheek "I think she's wonderful."

Lafayette reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear as he smiled at me. He led me to his bed and pulled me in for a kiss. I leaned my back against his headboard and let my hand rest on the back of his neck. He straddled me and the kiss deepened, until were stopped by the familiar light of a camera flashing.

"Merde, I thought I turned that of." Laf's mother muttered under her breath.

We turned to see Mrs. Lafayette standing in the doorway with her camera, whith John and Alex beside her with their cell phones.

"Geez you guys, cant keep it in your pants for a few minutes." Alex joked, causing John to punch his arm.

"Stop it." John whispered, shooting us an apologetic glance before pulling Alex out of the doorway, Laf's mom following them out.

I looked to Lafayette, who was hiding his face in my chest. I gently smoothed down his hair with one hand, using the other to rub small circles across his back.

"Are they gone?" Lafayette mumbled into my chest.

"Yeah, they left," I responded quietly.

Lafayette looked up at me, his face still a soft shade of pink. He scrunched up his nose adorably and he smiled. I kissed his forhead and held him closer, allowing my chin to rest on the top of his head.

"Je t'aime." Lafayette mumbled into my chest once more.

"I love you more." I whispered

(Word Count: 402)

I'm still on break, but this chapter just needed a litte bit more to be finished so I did just that. Also, thank you to all my new readers for your love and support.


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