Chapter: 2

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What happens when you die? That was a question Pyrrha always asked her mother. Do you go to a better place? Does your soul wander endlessly forever? Or do you just disappear into nothingness?

Slowly Pyrrha found herself slipping into consciousness. She found herself in an unfamiliar place. It was a rather rustic but homely room. Once her eyes went more into focus Pyrrha tried to look around, which surprisingly took a lot of effort on her part. After turning her head she was surprised to see Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Ruby looking at her with wide concerned eyes.

"P-Pyrrha?" Ruby stuttered breaking the silence. "Y-yes" she responded surprised that she was even able to spit the word out. Before the poor girl had any time to react she felt a firm embrace around her. Pyrrha was confused at first until everything came crashing into her.

Her fight with Cinder. She was shot in the chest by Cinder. How am I still alive? Pyrrha was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt tears drop onto her skin."You're okay, you're okay, you're okay." Ruby seemed to say those words over and over again in between sobs. Each time heavy with emotion.

Slowly Pyrrha started to feel her teammates pull her into an embrace as well. She wanted to say something but her mind couldn't process what was going on. All she did was sit there in her friends' embrace stunned.

It must have been at least 15 minutes before everyone finally let go of Pyrrha. For a moment she hesitated before asking "Where am I?"

"Your in Patch, where Ruby and Yang live." Jaune said realizing how confused his partner was. "Where Ruby and Yang..." Pyrrha trailed off before things in her mind started to click. "YANG! Is she okay?! What about Blake and Weiss and everyone?! And what about Beacon?! How long have I been out?!"she yelled concerned before a pain in her chest made her go into a coughing fit.

Everyone in the room seemed to look at each other with unease. Eventually Nora was the one to break the silence. "3 weeks" she replied bluntly. "You've been a comma for 3 weeks." Pyrrha was surprised by how quiet the usually loud and enthusiastic girl was. But also stunned by how long it had been.

"And everyone else?" she pressed. "Yang is here but she lost an arm. Though she's awake and not in any obvious physical pain. And Weiss's father took Weiss back to Atlas." Ruby continued before pausing for a moment looking away from Pyrrha.

Pyrrha just sat there in shock. She never imagined that the powerful Yang had just lost her own arm. What about Blake?" she asked, fearing that something horrible might've happened to her.

"Sh-She, She ran! She was last seen in Vale running away! We don't know where she is or have any clues to find her!" Ruby shouted tears in her eyes.

"Then we have to find her!" Pyrrha said trying to get out of the bed. "Pyrrha don't strain yourself!" Ren shouted at her, speaking for the first time since she woke up. "I'm fine!" she retorted still trying to get out of bed. Then she noticed something.

"G-Guys, why can't I feel my legs?" she asked giving up on trying to move. There was silence for a few moments before Jaune finally chose to answer her question. "Cinder's arrow hit and broke your spine. This caused your lower body to become paralyzed. We don't know if you'll heal or you'll stay paralyzed forever." he said very quietly hoping Pyrrha wouldn't hear him.

At first Pyrrha just sat there letting the news sink in. She opened her mouth and let out a silent scream. After 5 minutes she began to sob. Jaune immediately started to hug her. "I know it's hard. Just let it all out." he said softly trying to comfort the redhead.

Pyrrha hugged back, tightly. She buried her face into Jaune's chest. After a few minutes Pyrrha finally calmed down, struggling to catch her breath. "You okay?" Jaune asked still hugging her. She nodded and the blonde let her go. 

"C-Can see her? Yang, I mean. Alone." the young huntress asked looking down, her bangs now covering her eyes.

"Sure, but stay here I'll go grab her. Come on guys." Ruby said leaving the room with Jaune, Nora, and Ren following her.

A few minutes later Pyrrha heard the door open. She looked up to see the blond huntress standing in the doorway. Pyrrha's heart clenched when she saw where her arm was supposed to be. If only I had become the fall maiden. She would still have her arm right now. She thought feeling guilt in her flurry of emotions.

Yang just stood there for a moment, staring at Pyrrha, before running up to her and hugging her with her remaining arm. "Y-You're alive. You're awake and alive." Yang said to her friend softly. "We thought we lost you."

Pyrrha lost it and immediately started crying. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry!" she cried in between sobs. "What for?" Yang asked softly pulling out of the hug. "You don't have to blame yourself. I made my choice. Besides you lost more than me."

"But I still have my legs! You lost an arm! And there's still a chance I'll be able to walk again!" Pyrrha shouted. "At least I can get out of my bed! Pyrrha the chance for you to walk again is very low. But I can still get around and maybe with some work I will still be able to fight, you can't in your condition!" Yang yelled.

Pyrrha stop crying and looked up at the girl in shock. Yang immediately felt guilty about telling Pyrrha that she was pretty much hopeless. "I'm sorry but you sacrificed so much. I don't want you to blame yourself, when you did so much to help." the violet eyed girl explained once again speaking softly.

"I know." Pyrrha said bluntly. After a few moments of silence Yang stood up and went towards the door to leave. When she was about to walk out the door she heard Pyrrha ask "I'm never gonna get any better, will I?"

Yang stopped abruptly and sighed. "I don't know Py. I just don't know." With that she left the room and left Pyrrha with her thoughts.
If this is cheesy then I don't care. I tried and I am happy with it. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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