Chapter 9

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Pyrrha walked up to the counter at blacksmith's shop and rang the bell. "I'll be there shortly!" a gruff voice answered. A minute later a large bull Faunus came up to the counter. "Hello there miss. What can I do for you?" he asked with a kind smile on his face. "I came here for some new armor. An order was put in a few days ago." Pyrrha said politely.

"Ah Yes. Give me a moment." the blacksmith said before disappearing to the back of the shop. He came back a few moments later carrying a rather heavy looking box. He set it on the counter with a thump. "I made all the armor pieces you asked for with a few personal adjustments. It will come in real handy in a fight." the blacksmith stated.

Pyrrha looked in the box just to double check that everything was there. "Wow sir. You didn't have to do so much. It was already a lot to ask with the short notice and you having to use your own metal." She said surprised by how well done the armor was. "It was nothing dear. Don't think you have to pay me any more than you already have to. It nice to know that I'm making a good set of armor for a young huntress like yourself." the blacksmith responded.

"What don't you try it on?" The changing rooms are over there." the faunus stated as he pointed to a door in the left corner of the store. "Thank you so much sir! I'll make sure to use it well." Pyrrha said in complete gratitude before reaching in her pocket and paid the man the amount of lien that was due. She went into the changing rooms and put her new outfit on.

Her new armor still had the same color pallet for the most part. The armor on her chest was still in the same shape, but it reached higher to cover up her chest all the way. There were now some golden pads of armor on her shoulders as well. Pyrrha wore some armor that took the form of a skirt. It was brown with gold outlines that looked like the tips of swords. A thin piece of red fabric was at the waist acting as a belt. There was golden armor on her legs that went all the way up to her thighs. They had a few green gems on them. She still wore her gloves but now there were golden bracers on both of her arms. The pin that had her symbol on top was now on her left shoulder holding up a red cape, which replaced her sash. Under the armor Pyrrha also had a long-sleeved black shirt. But she still wore her signature circlet and had her hair in a ponytail.

When Pyrrha left the shop she saw Yang was waiting outside with her motorcycle Bumblebee. "You look great Pyrrha! The new armor suites you." Yang complimented when she saw Pyrrha's new look. "Thank you. It feels good to be back in some armor again." she said. "You're telling me. Now come on! The boat isn't going to wait for us!" Yang exclaimed. The two friends headed to the boat that was going to take them to the continent of Anima.

When the boat landed the two huntresses started to go to their location on Bumblebee. "I forgot how different Mistral is than Vale." Yang commented as they were moving. "It does take time to get used to the different ways of living." Pyrrha said remembering her first time at Vale. "Oh yeah! I forgot that you're from Mistral. Are you going to try to see your family?" Yang asked. Pyrrha shook her head. "My family lives in the northern most part of Mistral in Argus. So I won't be able to see them." She said.

Yang and Pyrrha were riding down the path on Bumblebee for a while, before coming to a stop at a crossroads with a sign post. Yang stoped Bumblebee to look at it. The signpost points right for Mistral and left for Kuroyuri. But the sign for Kuroyuri has "BANDITS" sprayed painted across it in big, red letters. "You are in so much trouble when I find you." Yang says to herself quietly.

The two continued for a little while longer until they stopped at a gas station. "Alright! Let's get some fuel and some water because the heat is killing me!" Yang stated as she got off her bike. "I couldn't agree more." Pyrrha responded as the two walked in.

They both sat at the bar. The bartender looked at both of them with a confused expression. "Aren't you both a little young to be drinking?" he asked. Yang Xiao Long took off her aviator sunglasses. "Two waters." She stated. "It's hot out." The bartender's face lights up in understanding. "Ohhh. Sure."

He disappeared below the counter and laughter comes from the drunk man a few seats down from Yang. "Are you telling me you're too young to drink? You look like a regular Huntress. And a beauty at that." the shady man said with his words seemingly directed more at Yang. Pyrrha rolled her eyes in annoyance. Yang looked equally annoyed. "I'm good. Thanks, pal." She said as a hint to back off.

But the shady man approached her undeterred. "Seriously. Not too bulky. Not too lean. You're..." "Just right. Yup. Like I said, I'm good." Yang said a little more forceful this time. But the mook puts his hand on the countertop next to Yang with a soft moan before reaching out with his other. "And your hair..." "And in 3. 2. 1." Pyrrha mutterd under her breath knowing what was about to happen.

Yang grabbed the shady man's wrist before he can touch her hair. When she turns to face him, her eyes are glowing red, startling him. "Huh?"
He barely glances in the correct direction before Yang's metal fist slams into the side of his face. Falling backward, a tooth knocked out of his mouth, the man hits the floor and continues to bounce floor-to-ceiling toward the exit like a pinball before disappearing through the doors. As the doors close behind him, the "Open" sign flips around to "Closed". "That is why you never touch Yang's hair." Pyrrha stated with a small smile, which Yang returned.

The bartender straightened and set the bottles of water on the counter. "These are on the house. He's been driving me crazy." he stated seeming relieved. Pyrrha grabbed her water and said did thank you before drinking it. Yang reaches for her's with her left hand, but it trembles. Her metal hand grabs and steadies it. She gives a long, shaky sigh before picking up the bottle and guzzling the water down until it was gone. "Thanks" she muttered.

"So, what brings you two around these parts?" the bartender asked trying to start a friendly conversation. "We're looking for someone." Pyrrha responds vaguely. The bartender chuckled. "Not too many people come out here. Too far from the Kingdoms." he stated. "Only person worth notin' around here is... well, Ra-"

"Raven Branwen." Yang stated cutting him off. She retrieved her glasses and started heading out with Pyrrha quickly following suit. "Thanks again!" Pyrrha said kindly. The bartender looked surprised. "N-now, girls! You two don't want to go messin' with bandits! They're a world of trouble!" he exclaimed worriedly " So I hear." Yang responded before leaving. "It's not like it's our first time fighting people like them." Pyrrha said before leaving too.

Outside, the shady man is on the ground holding his face, but he calls out to Yang as she straddles and engages Bumblebee. As Pyrrha hopped on the back. "Hey, girlie!" Yang looked like she wanted to punch the man again, and Pyrrha couldn't blame her. "Seriously? This isn't over?" She said annoyed. "Do you want to be hit by me this time because I will." Pyrrha threatened.

The shady man got to his feet and seemed to ignore what the two girls said. "I heard you're both... looking for someone. Heh." He gives them a toothless grin. "Are you sure we should trust him?" Pyrrha asked Yang. "I don't like it either, but he could at least tell us where my mom is." Yang said not seeming fond of the idea either. "Okay fine. Hop on." As the shady man went to sit behind Pyrrha the redhead gave him a glare. "Try anything and I will not hesitate to punch you off while the bike is moving." The shady man's confidence faltered a little bit. "Understood." So they road off, hopefully to Raven Branwen.
At least this was faster than last time. Sorry that this is kinda filler, but hopefully the gets better over time. Pyrrha might be a little out of character but hey a lot can happen in a few months. Anyways bye!

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