Chapter 5

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"Why did you kill me?!" Pyrrha awoke gasping sitting up in her bed. Sweat rolled down her face, her eyes wide. She looked around the room and sighed. It was just another nightmare she thought.

Pyrrha dragged herself over towards her wheelchair. After a few minutes of struggle she was finally able to get on. She wheeled herself towards the stairs.

This is going to be difficult Pyrrha thought as stumbled out of her wheelchair and pushed it down the stairs. It wasn't the best thing to do but it got the wheelchair downstairs.

Pyrrha proceeded to drag herself all the way downstairs. All she had to push herself with were her arms and hands. When Pyrrha finally made it downstairs she placed herself in her wheelchair.

She started to push herself towards the front door. Then Pyrrha went outside and sat there looking in the distance. It was still night with the moon and stars out. I wonder where Jaune is right now? she thought.

"Your legs may be paralyzed but your upper body is as strong as any huntress." The voice startled Pyrrha before she realized it was only Tiayang. "Thank you Tiayang but to be able to fight I would need my legs." the readhead responded.

"Pyrrha has something been bothering you since the accident?" Taiyang asked out of the blue. "W-What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked a bit taken aback by his question.

"A reason that you aren't able to walk could be a mental reason, such as extreme guilt or grief." he explained. "Pyrrha do you truly want to get better?"

"Of course I do! I want nothing more than to be useful again!" Pyrrha yelled losing her temper. Taiyang didn't flinch at her outburst. "But is there anything holding you back?" he asked his tone staying the same.

"I-I I don't deserve it." the cripple said looking away from Taiyang. "You what?" the blond man asked a bit stunned. "I mean I don't deserve to walk, fight, or do anything else but die!" she yelled.

"That's ridiculous of course you deserve-" "No I don't!" Pyrrha yelled interrupting the huntsman. She hesitated for a moment before saying "I killed someone." she muttered barely loud enough to hear.

"Pyrrha you know that wasn't your fault-" "Yes it was!" she yelled interrupting Taiyang again. "I shouldn't have let fear get the better of me! I murdered Penny with her own swords!" Pyrrha yelled tears starting to form in her eyes.

"It should have been me! Why was I the one to survive? Penny should have been the one to survive Cinder's plots not me! So many people have suffered because of me and Penny did nothing!" the former huntress yelled letting all of her emotions pool out.

Someone ran out of the house and quickly held Pyrrha into her embrace. "I can't believe you would say that." Yang said, her voice was stern but also soft. "Do you really think we would've been better off with you dead?"

"But it's-" "No it's not your fault!" Yang said raising her voice. "I-I" Pyrrha couldn't finish her sentence before crying. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault." she muttered over and over again while sobbing into Yang's chest.

"You know someone once told me that you shouldn't let fear get in the way of you being happy." Yang said in Pyrrha's ear. Pyrrha stiffened when she heard what her friend said. That's when she noticed that a bionic arm was around her.

"S-So you really took my advice."  Pyrrha said her voice cracking. "Pyrrha you have to stop blaming yourself. This isn't the first time you have thought that everything was your fault." Yang pointed out.

"Now how about we go inside and get some sleep? You look like you need it." the blonde said releasing Pyrrha. Pyrrha just nodded and let Yang take her upstairs.

"I can handle it from here." Pyrrha said when she and Yang got into the room. "Okay. If you need to talk just come to my room." Yang said before starting to leave.

She stopped when Pyrrha said "Hey, Yang." "Yes?" "Thank you." the redhead said. Yang just nodded and smiled as a response before leaving.

Once Yang left Pyrrha scrabbled into the bed and let exhaustion overtake her.

She opened her eyes to find herself still in the room. Confused she looked around to see it was still night. "Salutations! Pyrrha Nikos!" Pyrrha heard a very familiar voice yell.

Pyrrha spun around and saw Penny. There were no signs that the android was ever torn apart. A white light was around and stars seemed to stick to her.

Pyrrha excepted there to be rage or hostility in the girls eyes but instead Penny's eyes had the same cheerful look as they always did.

"Am I dead?" Pyrrha asked realizing that this wasn't a nightmare. "Nope." Penny answered, her voice sounding more solum. "When you die you can sometimes visit people in their dreams. So I decided it was time to visit you."

Pyrrha immediately began to cry. "Why?" she spat out in between sobs. Penny took a step closer to the redhead before responding. "You need to stop blaming yourself for everything that happened."

"Stop blaming myself for what? Killing you!" Pyrrha yelled her tears pouring out. She looked like she wanted to say more but a tight embrace stopped her.

"You couldn't have known Cinder's plans. You didn't know I was an android. When I died I was never angry, a bit sad, but not angry. It hurts to see you beating yourself up over my death. It's time to let go." Penny said uncharacteristically soft.

Pyrrha looked up to see Penny's body slowly starting to fade away. "What's happening?!" Pyrrha asked panicked. But the ginger's gaze didn't waver.

"Don't worry you're just waking up." Penny responded releasing Pyrrha from her grasp. "Please forgive me." Pyrrha mumbled not thinking Penny would hear her.

"There's nothing to forgive." she responded with a smile before fading away. Then everything went black.
Sorry that took so long to post! I hope the next chapter will come a little faster! Also shoutout to jrosgood they have been so encouraging to me and you should follow them now.

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