|Shot 6| • Forever •

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You all know who this is. It's from the mini-series. I'm sorry if this is a spoiler, don't read if it is ~Jae👑

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The Losers and I all met up at a restaurant to catch up on the last 27 years. It was good to see each other and laugh before discussing the real reason why we were there.

"It's so good to see you all again!" Beverly cried as she pulled me in for a kiss, then pulled us all in for a hug.

But we could all feel the emptiness of a missing presence.

"W-Where's Stan?" I stuttered.

"Didn't you say he was coming, Mike?" Ben queried, turning towards Mike.

"He said he'd be here..." Mike said softly, worry dripping in his voice and concern filling his chocolate eyes.

He pulled out his cell phone (I'm basing this off the 2017 version of IT so 27 years later would be 2016: they would have cell phones) and called Stan.

We all stood patiently, nervously waiting, Mike's faint voice looming over us as he paced back and forth.

"Hello, is Stanley Uris there? Stan? My name is Mike Hanlon, I'm an old friend, just...yes, please"

He paused and turned to look at us. I walked over to him cautiously.

"Is everything okay, Mike?" I queried him.

"Yeah" he said quietly. "This is his wife, she's just....wait, what? Calm down, calm down, Stan is what? No...no no that can't be he...HE PROMISED!"

Mike was sweating and he raised his voice, tones of shock, hurt and anger filled his voice.

"Please, send me a picture" he said while squeezing his eyes shut and gingerly pinching the bridge of his nose, his voice quivering.

"Mike...Mike, what is going on, my friend?" I asked, frantically trying to figure out what was going on.

"Thank you, I'm very sorry, Mrs. Uris"

He hung up the phone and slowly turned towards me, the rest of the Losers slowly walking toward us.

"What's going on, Mike?" Eddie queried.

"Where's Stan?" Richie added.

"Guys...I-I don't know how to tell you...Stan...Stan is dead. He killed himself last night"

I shook my head in utter disbelief.

"N-No he c-c-can't have he p-prom-promised me h-he would c-c-come back, he..." I started sobbing.

I never told any of the Losers, but I was in love with Stan. I had been since we were kids. I regretted us drifting apart every day. I still love Stan.

Beverly pulled me into a tight hug as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"He w-wouldn't d-do that, he p-p-promised"

"I'm so sorry, guys" Mike said softly. "And Bill? He left a note. It's addressed for you"

He handed me his phone, a picture of Stan's note on the screen. I took it and read it.

~Dear Bill,

I know I promised you when we were kids that I'd come back if...IT...ever came back. But, I can't Bill. It turned my world upside down when we were kids; it made a mess of things.

I think that's why we never officially got together, Bill. You're prefect for me, but I'm not perfect. I've always been a loser and an OCD freak that didn't deserve you. I was stupid not to tell you I loved you; I craved perfection and what I was searching for all along was you.

I have regretted every day, even up to my marriage, that I didn't confess my feelings to you. If I could go back I'd tell you how much I love you...how much I still do and always have.

Please tell everyone else that I love them, and that I'm sorry. I just can't handle even the idea of having to face that monster again...but I know you can, Bill. I've always believed in you.

Look after the others. We've looked up to you ever since we were kids.

I love you, Bill. I do. I always have, and I always will.

~Forever, Stan

I sobbed and slowly lowered the phone. Richie, Eddie, Mike, Ben and Beverly all came over to me and wrapped their arms around me, bringing a flood of memories crashing through my brain and aching my heart.

All the times I held Stan's hand, the many days we spent at the Quarry, the countless looks we shared, the countless smiles given and received, our laughter...I miss them, and I know I always will.

And the times I was too scared to tell him I loved him...I will regret them, and miss Stan, forever.

"We have to kill IT, once and for all...for Stan" I said through clenched teeth before whispering my final goodbye to the love of my life.

"I love you, Stan"

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