Chapter Eight

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Jane looked over at the boys who seemed surprising calmer then she would have expected, Dean's eyes were enraged with anger as Simms walked closer to her, gun in hand.

"Who are you?" she asked standing as still as possible, he seemed to know her but she didn't know him.

"You don't remember me?" his voice was almost child like

"I don't know you," Jane looked straight ahead never looking him in the eyes

"So it is true then, you don't remember anything," he started to laugh hysterically while Jane looked over at the boys who still had guns pointed at their heads.

"Let them go," she pleaded now looking at the demon. His eyes were black holes, as she looked into his eyes she felt that pain in her stomach again that terrible feeling. It stabbed her in the gut and she almost fell to the fall in pain.

"Do you even know what I am, my beautiful dove," he pulled his gun to her face moving a small curl of her hair that fell on her cheek behind her ear. She pulled away looking at the ground, her body was shaking, he moved in so close that she could feel the heat of his body on her skin making her hair stand on all ends.

"I'm a demon," he whispered in her ear his breathe falling on her skin. "Are you afraid of me?" he faced her, his eyes staring right into hers.

Her heart dropped and she felt her whole body weakening but she stood strong and replied "No," even though she knew as well as he did she was, terrified, but she wasn't about to leave Dean and Sam to die because of her.

"Well you should be," he chuckled walking towards the boys.

"You see the thing is, Emily, I know you," he turned to her and pointed the gun towards her

Dean and Sam jolted

"Emily?" something in Jane shook

"Yes, and my dear, if these boys were smart they would stay away from you," walking closer again his voice became deeper and serious "You are too dangerous, I should just do them a favour and kill you right here," He pulled the gun up to her head and smiled, his face lit up with joy as his finger slowly pulled down on the trigger. His smile grown from ear to ear and Jane closed her eyes for a moment then realised, something she remembered to bring.

She began to smile the demon was confused "What are you smiling at?"

She simply moved in closer to him so that his face was almost touching hers

"If I'm so dangerous why didn't you check if I was aimed, I'm sorry sweetie but I'm not going to die today," and she grabbed the demon blade she hid in her pocket and stabbed him right in the chest.

As he fell the other demons retreated and left the officers passed out on the floor.

Jane stood there for a moment blade in hand, shaking in fear.

'Did I just do that' she thought to herself, what made her even more terrified was that the terrible pain in the pit of her stomach was gone and replaced with the feeling of power and pleasure.

Jane was staring at Officer Simms body lying on the floor when the heard a groan come from Dean.

"Shit," she jumped back into focus dropping the blade and ran over to the boys and started to untie them.

"Are you okay?" she asked them repeatedly.

"Yes, we're fine, are you okay?" Sam said untying his feet as Jane untied Dean

"Yes, I think so," Jane was still shaking

Dean slowly pleaded of the tap on his mouth as Jane untied his feet.

"What the hell was that?" he looked straight at Jane his voice was angry but his eyes showed concern

"I, I don't know," she ran over and picked up the blade from the floor and stopped and stared at Officer Simms once more, his blood spread out on the carpet. "I killed him," her voice was so quick barley Sam and Dean could hear her.

Dean finally untied slowly approached Jane and reached out his hand.

"You did the right thing," he toke the blade from her hand softly and gently "Thank you," his soft gaze caught Jane off guard, his eyes were so beautiful.

"For what?" she asked

"Saving us," Sam replied putting his arm around her shoulder "We have to get out of here,"

"You go I'll sort out this mess, meet you back at the hotel later," Dean throws his keys to Sam

As Jane and Sam pull out of the drive, Jane looked back at the house and her mind is haunted by the voice. That terrible voice and those words

"You are dangerous,"

What did he mean?

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