Chapter Six

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She awoke again the sounds of rumbling and footsteps roaming in and out of the house, opened her eyes and saw the boys packing their bags.

"What's happening?" Jane said slowly sitting up hand on head as a headache approached her skull.

"We're leaving," Dean mumbled

It was early in the morning it must had been 7 at least, the sun was rising and the house was waking, the floor boards cracking as the boys walked slowly grabbing everything they needed and throwing it in a big duffle bag.

Jane wore a big oversized shirt, one of the boys she gathered, with long socks reaching her knees. She wondered how or who changed her but it didn't bother her too much for some reason "oh okay I'll just get changed and..," she was interrupted by Dean

"No, you are staying here with Bobby," this sudden rage hit Jane, she stood up and stared Dean straight in the eye hands on hips.

"Look, Dean, I don't know who you think you are but that angel guy said the best and safest place for me was with you, now, you can either argue you with the angel or you can put up with it shallow you god damn pride and let me come with you!" the room was silence for a minute when all of a sudden a chuckle from the kitchen broke out.

"You know she's right Dean," Bobby chuckled "Let the girl go," he smiled at Jane, looking almost proud.

Jane stood her ground slightly dizzy but she waited for dean to reply.

Dean looked up at her in surprise for a moment, no one had ever stood up to him like that before well at least no one he hardly knew before, and he chuckled to himself knowing that she was actually right. He kept wondering what she was really like, who she really was. Was she a family girl? Did she have a home back from wherever she came from, did she have a job, friends? He couldn't help but think and wonder if people were out there looking for her.

"Fine" he replied throwing her some pants and one of Sam's many flannelette shirts. "You can borrow a pair of my boots until we can find you some actual descent clothes". He then left grabbing a bag and headed outside "Hurry up we leave in five," he called from the door before exiting.

Jane was stunned at his reply she was expected some sort of smart remark or maybe even an argument but he didn't she wondered if she really had him all figured out if he really was this guy she thinks he is. 'I guess I'll just have to see' she thought to herself.

It wasn't long before they were all set and on the road in the Impala.

Before Jane left she apologized to Bobby and he said something to her that she couldn't get out of her mind "You need to stop apologizing for something that was out of your controlnow go and don't worry those boys will keep you safe," what if it was her fault those demon hell hound things were after her, she was apologising because no matter what people say she has a sinking feeling in her gut that it was her fault that it was in her control but she choice to lose her memory. All the thoughts running through her head mad her forget the most important thing she should be questioning, where were they going and what kind of 'Case' are these guys even on?

"So what exactly do you guys do anyways?" she asked moving into the middle of the impala popping her head in-between their seats.

"It's complicated," Dean replied eyes on the road turning up the music so the silence was over come by old rock and blues

"Hey I was asking a question!" she was annoyed why must he be so rude to her all the time, she pushed through the seats and turned down the music. Sam gave her a look that warned her to seat back down and not to speak another word, waited for Dean's outburst but he was silence and turned the music off completely.

"Well if you must know, we are hunters." He stopped the car and turned to Jane who slowly fell back into the back seat and he moved closer

"All those scary things that your parents told you weren't real, all those monsters under your bed when you were a kid. They are real; we hunt them and kill them." His dark eyes stared into Jane as she toke a deep breathe in. His serious face startled Jane; she could tell she hit something, something in him that brought out this side this serious, determined even scary side of him. She looked into his eyes and saw something behind them, something happened to him, something terrible that made him feel this way and she wondered what it was.

He waited a minute before turning around and started the car again, from then on it was silent Jane could feel the pressure and tension in the Impala all the way to a small motel in a town called Oakdale.

"I'll go check us in," Dean said his voice still tense and deep.

"I'm sorry" Jane spoke out in the silence when Dean exits the car

"What for?" Sam looks confused as he turns to Jane seeing her face hanging from her neck looking down at her feet

Jane replied her voice quiet and timid "I understand that you two are very serious about...whatever you do and I know having me here must be an inconvenience," she looked up at Sam her face now just as serious as Deans' and he voice broke out deep and determined. "But I will try my hardest to remember as much as I can, I want to help and I don't want to be a burden." Jane opened the door and waited outside of the Impala while Dean booked them a room. Jane was determined to remember as much as she could she couldn't stand letting these two guys put up with her the way they are she wasn't going to be a burden she looked over at Dean in the front office and looked at his face, this job means a lot more to him then a job and she could see it in his eyes when he was talking about it, what happened to him? She couldn't help but wonder.

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