Chapter One

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I smiled as I heard cheers. We had just won the first basketball game of the season.

My name is Victoria Brown. I am a black girl with dark brown eyes. I know, it's typical, but hey. I am a tom boy. I do dress up sometimes, but I mostly like my basketball shorts, and a T-shirt. I have many hobbies, but my main one is basketball. I love basketball. It's my favorite sport. I'm a senior, and I am the captain of the basketball team at school. I go to Roosevelt High in Coral Springs, Florida.That's about forty five minutes from Miami. We are the Lions, kings of the court.

I smiled as I walked off the court into the locker room. I sighed as I got there. One of my teammates, Jasmine, was going to start something. She always does. Today on the court, she didn't pass the ball to me at all. I was open on just about every play. Since she didn't pass it to me, the coached benched her. The rest of the game, I could feel her glare on me.

"Thanks for getting me benched Brown." Said Jasmine.

"I didn't get you benched, you got yourself benched."

"Well maybe if you didn't go and cry to the coach, I wouldn't have gotten benched."

"We both know that I didn't say anything. I'm tired of your crap. Ever since freshman year, you have gotten an attitude with me after you get benched. It's been three years. Get your shit together because I won't deal with this all season." I said frustrated.

"Girl! Who do you think you are talking to? I will kick your ass. Don't try me. Just cause you are the captain of the team, doesn't mean I won't hurt you." She said getting all ghetto.

"Calm down, I don't have time for this. The faster we shower, and then go and watch the boys game, the quicker we go home. Then you won't have to see me, and I don't have to see you."

With that, I went to the showers. I seriously don't want to deal with her. I just want to go home, change into some pajamas, and read a book. I started a new one yesterday and it was good so far. I got out of the shower and got dressed in some basketball shorts, and a T-shirt. I met up with my closest friend Daniella, or as I call her Danny, and we went to the court. Every game we have, we have to watch the guys game. We either play before them, or after them.

I wasn't really looking forward to the game. One, because the same people have been on the team forever. Two, because they are facing a horrible team, so there will be no excitement. Three, because I am too tired. I have been up for a long time. And, I had three tests today.

Danny and I got to the reserved part of the court. They reserve the spots for the team because they can see who came. If we miss one, we get in trouble. They want to show the other teams that we are a unit. So, that means we have to go to all the games. We got to the seats and sat down.

Most of the team were already there so we sat in the back of the reserved section. Jasmine was sitting in the front with short shorts and a tank top. Of course. She has a thing with a couple guys on the team. Yes, a couple. They all know she's a hoe.

The music started to play and the people started to boo. The other team was coming out. After they went through the pre-game routine, our team came out. We all cheered and showed love. Then, the hottest guy I have ever seen came out. He was a tall built chocolate man. Lord! I was in awe. And he was wearing a lion jersey. I know he doesn't go to our school. I think I would have noticed. But either way, he ran around and made points for our team.

At the end of the game, we ended up winning 53-20. The game was pretty boring. We smashed them completely. Danny and I got up and walked outside. I grabbed my duffle bag and put it in my car. Then we waited for Danny's boyfriend Drake. He was giving her a ride home and I didn't want to leave her all alone. There were other team players here, but they were either hoes, or waiting for their boyfriends.

After what felt like forever, the guys came out. Drake came over with a couple of his friends. When he saw Danny, he picked her up and twirled her around. They were the cutest couple I have ever seen.

Danny was a medium height black girl. She was funny, and had a bubbly personality. She has brown eyes, black hair, and is pretty skinny. The reason we became friends is our passion of basketball. She's a bit girly for me, but she's okay.

Drake is a normal light skinned guy. He has greenish blueish eyes. He has a cute smile, and he's pretty funny. Danny and Drake have been dating for two years.

"Hey babe! How did you like the game?" Asked Drake.

"You guys kicked butt like always." Danny said with a smile.

"I know we did. Melo is having a party tonight to kick off the beginning of basketball season. You're coming."

"I don't even get a voice in this?"

"Nah. I need you to be my eye candy for tonight. And Vicki? I need you to be the designated driver."

"I'm not going!" I said.

"Man come on. It's Friday, what plans you got?"

"I'm going home, reading a book, and going to sleep."

"You boring as hell. But for real though, I need someone to drive me home when I'm drunk. What if I get drunk, drive, and get in an accident. Then someone dies? You would have to live with the fact that you didn't help me."

"Ugh. Fine! Who is Melo anyway?" I asked.

"I'm Melo." Said a deep voice.

I turned around and saw the hot guy from before. Oh Lord. I am so going now.

"Hello." I said with a nervous smile.

He licked his lips. "Don't be shy ma. What's your name?"

"Victoria. But you can call me whatever."

"Okay whatever. I like that name, but I'll call you Tori." He said with a smirk.

Then, Drake's annoying voice said "If you guys could stop FLIRTING, it would be appreciated."

"If you could stop breathing, it would be appreciated." I said with a glare.

We all laughed.

"Okay guys, how about you guys follow me to my house?" Said Melo.

"How about you text me the address? I want to go home and change." I said while looking down at my boring clothes.

"You have to go with us though!" Said Drake. "How are you gonna drive me home?"

"I'll go home, change, then meet you at the party! Then you can leave your car at Melo's house, and get it in the morning."

"Okay. That works for me."

"Wait!" Said Danny. "I'll go with Vicki! I need to change too."

"Okay. So we'll just meet you guys there." Said Drake.

We started to walk away when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll see you there Tori." Said Melo with a wink.

Oh Lord. This boy will be the death of me.

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