Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I guess it wasn't the morning anymore, it was two in the afternoon. I got out of bed, and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and wish I haden't. My hair was looking a mess! The rest of me looked okay, but I just need to fix this hair. I took a quick shower, and washed my hair. I spent the next fifteen minutes combing my hair. All these tangles were messing me up. 

I finally got done, and got dressed. I looked at my phone and saw a couple messages from people. The first one was from Danny, telling me how she wanted to hang later. The next one was from Drake, saying how he needs to get his car. And the last one was from my coach, telling me that we have practice today. I sighed. I replied back to Drake, and told him I would be over in an hour.

I went down the stairs and saw Donald sitting at the table. When he looked up from the newspaper he was reading, he smiled at me.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He said.

"Hey. Where's my mom?"

"I don't get a proper good morning?"

"I'm too hungry. I'll see you later. Tell mom I went to Drake's house." 

And with that, I left the house. I am so hungry right now. I haven't eaten since yesterday evening. I think I'll treat myself to some Olive Garden. That's my favorite restaurant. I pulled up to Drake's house and texted him to come outside. I waited about five minutes until he came out. When he did, Danny was with him.

"Girl! What's popping?" Asked Danny in her wanna be thug voice.

"Nothing. Just trying to go get some food. So hurry up and get in so I can go!"

"Damn." Said Drake. "You don't kid about your food, do you?"


We started driving to Melo's house. On the way there, Drake and Danny were both on their phones. Drake was probably looking for weed, and Danny was probably keeping up with One Direction. She loves them. In her mind, Harry is her boyfriend. That doesn't make any sense since in real life, Drake is her boyfriend. Oh well, in Drake's mind, he's probably dating Beyonce.

We pulled up to Melo's house and I put the car in park. Drake and Danny started to unbuckle their seat belts, and get out. When Danny saw I wasn't getting out, she stopped.

"You're not coming in?"

"Nah. I'm gonna go get some food."

"Girl! They probably have some food here."

"Yeah, but I want some Olive Garden."

"So you're just gonna leave me here?"

".... Yeah."

"I thought we were friends!"

"We are!" I laughed. "You are taking this way to serious. I'm gonna go get some food, relax, then go to practice."

"There is food here! You don't have to use any money! Please?"

I sighed. "Fine!"

I unbuckled my seat belt, and turned off the car. I stepped out and was hit with the heat of this hot Florida day. I started to walk into Melo's house. When I got inside, I saw trash everywhere. There were red cups, cigarette packages, paper, I think I even saw some used condoms. This was completely disgusting. As I was looking around the room, I felt someone's breath on my neck. I turned around and saw some guy. He was really tall, light skinned, and handsome.

"Can I help you?" I asked with attitude. This guy doesn't know me, so why is he in my space?

"Sorry to bother you. You're Victoria, right?" He asked.

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