Chapter 2- Proper Introductions

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Biana knew she was getting older, but she couldn't believe she was so different in mindset than the angry newly teen before her, and how she herself should probably take more time off work so she would be more skilled in basic interaction techniques. When they arrived at her apartment, Biana took a few steps away from the frightened girl to give her space, rubbing her forehead anxiously, "I'm sorry about that... I guess I'm a little stir crazy from work..." She gestured around the messy room blindly, where maps, scrolls, fabric, thread, various sewing and writing tools were strewn about, covering almost every surface of the room, save for two chairs. When Biana looked at the girl, she saw the look in her eyes and readjusted herself accordingly, "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry, that was... Abrupt." She sighed, and rubbed her temples more, "I'm sorry, my dad and brother are much better at this sort of thing, but they're both preoccupied with other equally important matters, so it was just easier for me to do it... And we didn't want for it to look like an old creep was trying to grab you..."

"And yet you grabbed me," Gaia stated dubiously, a hard look on her face. In a way that was so very...

"I know," she groaned, taking a seat, "but honestly, I'm glad I ran faster than the goon did."


Biana blinked, "Oh shoot! I didn't explain anything yet, did I? Wow, I'm sorry! Here I am moaning and groaning," she reset her tracks, "Okay, you're probably going to want to take a seat."

Gaia frowned, "No, I'm not doing anything until you tell me what the heck is going on! Why did you grab me, what was that- that-" she sputtered in confusion, "wand thing? Where are we, and what 'goon' are you talking about?" Biana repressed a smile, because Gaia was just so much like...

Biana put her hands up in surrender, and started to explain, "This may seem shocking... But you know those elves you read in fairy tales? They're real. Well, maybe not in the way you think I guess, humans portray them a bit weirdly... Pointed shoes? So tacky!" She made a face of disgust before continuing, "Anyways, elves are real. I'm an elf, you're an elf, everyone here in the Lost Cities is an elf. Lost Cities, where is that?" Biana leaned forwords a little, watching as she was catching the girl's attention, "All the cities that are myths in the human world, are real. That's where we elves live. This one we're in now is only Mysterium, a working class city, but I'll take you to Atlantis and all the cool ones when you're ready." Before Gaia could ask the question, she answered it, "Yes, I'm definitely sure you're an elf. For the past six months, my father, Alden, and I have been doing intensive research because we found out that there was a second elf sent into the Lost Cities to be raised. First, before I go into details about that, yes, I'm sure it's you and not someone like that Madison girl. How do I know this? It may come to surprise you, but I haven't been speaking English this entire time. I actually don't know much English, and you probably haven't noticed, but you're speaking the Enlightened Language- or Elf to keep things simple."

"I'm... not speaking English?" Gaia asked, and Biana nodded.

"If you really listen to yourself speak, you'll see. Elves have different special abilities, but sometimes, we can have more than one. We have good evidence that you have more than one ability, but I'll talk more about that later," she brushed that information off for the time being, and put her hand on her chest, watching as Gaia started to sit down. Yes, Biana really had her attention now. "I myself am a Vanisher, which means I can let light pass through my body so I become invisible." For a moment, she demonstrated, enjoying the shock and awe on the young girl's face, "Cool, right? There are all sorts of different abilities, like telepathy, which is the ability to read other people's minds, or guster, which is the ability to control wind -which is very different from telekinesis mind you, which all elves can do- but one of your abilities is that you're a polygot. That means you can understand different languages and speak them. No, I can't tell you your other abilities, I only know you're a polygot because I took the leap of faith and started speaking in the Enlightened language."

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