"The Lion Guard: Two hearts ,One destiny" in English, announcement

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Lately a lot of people have been asking if there is a small chance of translating this fanfic to english. I feel happy knowing that there are readers from this beatiful language that ask about it and have shown great interest in this history. This makes me know that there are people that take the trouble of reading, even if it's a crappy translation from google My answer to this is: Yes.

My english knowledge is very basic for now but, starting in december i will start to translate the history with the help of some friends that have good grasp of this language, all credits go to them because of their great effort and the taking the trouble of giving me their time to try to help me adapt this history of The Lion Guard to English.

A big hug to everyone in the comunity of and Wattpad.

The Lion Guard: Dos corazones, un solo destinoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora