Midnight snack -Felix ending-

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Felix's Pov
After the stream and a little bite to eat I get into the guest room I'm staying in. Little to my knowledge I had visitors awaiting my arrival.

"hey Felix," Mark said, with an annoyed look on his face, "what was that all about?"

"What was what all about?" I asked, confused.

"Come on man, we know that you know what we're talking about" Jack said accusingly.

Realizing what they were talking about, I replied "You know they liked it. And what about you Mark, your little 'dance recital'?"

"Well what about Sean huh? What was that? Waiting tell we left?"

"You guys had to use your bit against them, that second kiss? All their decision." Jack said as he leaned against the wall then sighed,"This arguing isn't getting us anywhere."

"Jacks right," Mark stated "Sorry for the attack Felix, let's just get some sleep, I'm sure I'm just.. tired."

"Yeah yeah, we're all friends here. let's just go to sleep." I said, and so we did.

<><><>Time skip<><><>

I got woken up by a loud crashing sound downstairs. I got up to see what it was, and I went downstairs to see (y/n) getting a midnight snack.

"Hey, what're you doing up so late?" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"oh I didn't see you there" (y/n) said turning around to face me.

I laughed "Here let me handle this."

(Y/n) moved the pot away from my grasp "what? You think I cant cook?"

Oh shit. Trying to recover, I said "What? No Way, I just never get to cook for you, and I want to. Plus you look pretty tired."

" you just stay here and I'll do every thing else" I said as I started to get things out.

"I'll try to retain myself" they said smiling. I felt their eyes watching  me move. around the kitchen.

Your Pov
" I'll try to restrain myself" I said, smiling as i watched Felix move walk around the kitchen.

<><><>25 minutes later <><><>

"Its almost done" he said into the pog he was stirring.

"What're you making me anyways?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, silly " he said. "I'll be back."

The smell was familiar to me, but not familiar enough to know. I got up and walked over while he was in the restroom. When I got over to the stove I picked up a couple of spices and seasonings. I took the lid off and instantly added some of the things I had picked out, then some precut carrots from the fridge. I turned to go to the fridge and totally forgot that Felix was there. I turned around and he was watching me.

"shit, ummm sorry?" I apologized.

"Don't be, your very entertaining to watch." he said walked over and pulled out some bowls. He put the bowl on the table for me with a smile and said "chicken noodle soup!"

He sat down with a bowl. he took a bite and melted into his chair.
"That shit is so good! how do you get the flavor to melt in you mouth? how do you get the carrots so perfectly cooked? how do you-"

"shhhhh, just eat" I said smiling as a put a spoon in his mouth.

The whole time we were eating, we exchanged cooking secrets and told each other how good their part of the soup was.

"That was really good, thank you" I said to him as I grabbed the bowls and took them to the sink.

"back at you hot stuff" he said winking and shooting a finger gun at me. I laughed as started to wash the bowls.

He walked over to me, "hey can I ask you something?" he asked leaning against the counter in the kitchen.

"Sure, anything." I said washing a spoon.

"Well its just that I- Do.. Would you mind if-" he said cutting himself off.

I giggled and looked at him,"Well, spit it out."

Then he tilted my chin up with his hand and kissed me. I melted into his kiss and draped my arms around his neck. He gently grabbed my waste, pulling me closer to him. When I pulled away he was just as suprised as I was.

I laughed at his flushed face, which only made it worse. And then kissed him on the cheek. "You come across loud and clear."

We walked up back up the stairs holding hands until we got to my door, alittle farther down the hall was his.

He smiled and kissed my forhead, "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning, yeah?"

I smiled and kissed him on my tip toes, "goodnight tell tomorrow." Then we both went into our separate rooms and went to sleep.

795 words

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