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hey guys! so I just wanted to thank you for reading my story, I'm really enjoying it. it would mean a lot to me if you guys would share it with all of your friends though, that would be the best thing ever if you guys could help me out with that. and I'm thinking of doing goals so when I reach a certain amount of votes, I'll post the next chapter. sound good? so the goal for the next chapter will be +5 votes! I love you all, thank you a bunch for everything. xxjordanxx

I woke up that morning to my little brother sleeping next to me. I didn't even wake up last night and noticed that he had crawled into my bed. He did this whenever he had bad dreams about mom. Which he had often. I didn't mind him sleeping with me though. I loved my little brother. He was annoying at times, very messy, and a suck up, but he was silly and always made me feel better. He could always cheer me up. I rolled over and got up out of bed. When my feet hit the floor and I stood up, a searing pain shot through my foot.
"FUCK-" I screamed out. I fell back on the bed and looked at the bottom of my right foot. I peeled the LEGO off and threw it out the door. There he goes again, leaving his stuff everywhere around the house. It's crazy how tiny those things are, but man do they hurt like a bitch.
"Oopsies." Quinton's tiny voice came out from behind me. I turned my head quickly to look at him and he was trying to hold back giggles.
"Now that you've spread you're mess into my room, Quinty.. You realize what has to happen now, don't you?" I asked, smirking at him.
"No... What? Are you gonna tell on me? Please don't!" It's funny how little kids think that tattling on someone is the worst thing ever.
"Nope... The tickle monster comes out!" My hands aimed for his armpits and I wiggled my fingers. Quinton screamed out, having a laughing attack.
"Stop sissy! HAHA NO MORE!"
"What are you gonna do next time?" I continued to tickle the kid.
"I'll clean up, I swear!" He tried to get free of my grip but I was too strong.
I let go and nodded. "Good." He got up at lightning speed and stood in front of me. I raised my hands up and acted as though I was a monster. He ran out of my room screaming and I chuckled at him. I could hear my dad downstairs making breakfast. The whole house smelt of bacon and sausage. My dad was a meat lover. He always had to have most of the meals be meat. I didn't mind, it was good.
I glanced at the clock and saw it was 8:30 in the morning.
I headed towards the top of the stairs and made my way to the bottom. Turning the corner to the kitchen my dad was dishing plates. He was smiling at my brother. But when he saw me his smile faded. He went to the fridge and got the milk and orange juice out. When he started pouring glasses, he glared up at me.
"Sit down, Danielle." This is how I knew he was mad at me. He never used my nickname when he was angry. It was always just plain Danielle. Or Danielle Moore. But if he was really angry, he would call me Danielle Agnes. Not my first choice of middle name. But it was my mom's grandmother's name. She just had to honor it and make it my middle name.
One year in elementary school, a teacher was calling full names out on the first day of school. Even the kid's middle names. I started freaking out. I didn't want anyone to know it. Of course they made fun of me. And it didn't help that all of my initials put together is D.A.M. So kids would say to me, "Are you a beaver? 'Cuz DAM!" I would get so mad.
I sat down on the other side of the round table in front of my plate. My dad set down my orange juice and handed Quinton his milk. My dad always knew what we wanted. How much food we wanted. What kind of breakfast we like and don't. I don't understand how he remembers it all.
He sat down with us as well and we all ate in silence. A very awkward silence. Dad did have to remind Quinton not to play with his food a few times though.
When I finished, I set my dishes in the sink and made my way to the stairs. Before I left the kitchen, my dad stopped me.
"Danielle. When I'm done eating, we are going to try to call your friends. If they don't answer then we will call their parents. If they are unaware of what is happening, we will call the police. Sound good?"
"Yeah, sure." I began walking again and made my way up to my room. I sat down at my computer and decided to go onto twitter. My favorite social networking cite. All of the tweets on my timeline were the same. Someone would say something about their weekend, something that would piss someone off, and the boys posted something about sports. I decided to check Whitney's twitter and see if she had posted anything since last night. She had tweeted a picture of her skates and the caption was, "Every friday", it had a heart emoji next to it. How original. The picture was posted around 8:00 last night.
So then, I went onto Nadine's twitter. She never tweets though. But I might as well check.
Yep. Nothing. Just as I had expected. This was all so confusing. How could they just drop off of the face of the earth? This definitely wasn't like them. I mean, yeah they don't really think about other people but they wouldn't do this. They wouldn't just leave me to fend for myself.
I heard a knock at my door and my dad walked in. He sat down in my bed with the house phone in his hand and a notepad in the other. He had everyone's phone number in that notepad. My dad was almost annoyingly organized with everything. I wish Quinton had that same trait.
"You ready?" He questioned me.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied. He dialed my friend's number's and shook his head at both.
"Their phones are off. They both went straight to voicemail."
"They're probably dead." When I said that my dad's eyes widened.
"Danielle Agnes!" I cringed at that name. "Do not say that!"
"Dad, I meant their phones. Not them."
"Oh, sorry." He chuckled at himself. He dialed their parents and put them on speaker for me to hear. As he talked to them, I listened in.
"Have you seen your daughter Whitney today or last night, Mrs. Geller?"
"No, I was just about to call you and ask you. I'm very worried. Is your daughter home?"
"Yes, she's safe and sound. But I'm afraid Danielle's phone is in Nadine's car."
"Oh my, Nadine is missing too? At least the two girls are together. I will call the police." They said their goodbyes and hung up.
"Well, I guess it's time to call Nadine's father." My dad said to me and typed in his phone number.
"Hello? Mr. Amari, this is Danielle's father-"
"WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER?" Nadine's dad was obviously angry.
"Uhh, this is what we're trying to communicate with you about. We don't know exactly where Nadine and Whitney are but we are trying our best to locate them."
"I want her home now!" Mr. Amari had a pretty thick accent. He was a very angry middle eastern man. I've only met him once and he already thinks that I'm a bad kid. Actually, he thinks everyone is a bad kid. Everyone besides his daughter. Mr. Amari thinks that Nadine is an angel. His little princess. He thinks that she would never hurt a fly or do anything she wasn't supposed to. But man, if he found out all of the things she has done, he'd be furious.
"Mr. Amari, we don't know where she happens to be at this moment."
"We don't know, Mrs. Geller is calling the police so that we can find your daughter and Whitney."
"You better find her or else." And then he hung up. My dad sighed and shook his head.
"Now what?" I asked.
"Mrs. Geller will probably have the police sent over here for questioning and then we will have to have a locksmith get into Nadine's car to get your belongings. Then if they don't find those girls, there will most likely be a search party or amber alert sent out." He got up and put his hands in his pockets, leaving the phone and notepad. "I'm going to leave these here," he pointed to the items, "so if someone calls back, you can answer and tell them what they need to know. You know way more about this than I do. If someone does call back though, when you're done, come downstairs and tell me what they said." I nodded. He walked towards me like he was going to give me a hug but then took a step back and walked out of my room.
I spun around in my chair and went onto iTunes. I played Michael's song. It boomed through my room. I stood up and shut my bedroom door. I went to my closet and stared at my options for an outfit. Tapping my foot to the slow best of the song, I scanned the wardrobe. I went with the usual. Black skinny jeans, a light pink shirt, and of course black combat boots. I decided to take my hair out of the braid and brush it. The previous braid added a nice wave to it. I decided on no makeup today. I wasn't going anywhere special.
I spent the rest of the day finding more music to listen to when around 3:00, there was a knock on the door. I turned my music down and went to my door. As I opened it I saw my dad downstairs at the entry with two police officers. I could hear their voices very faintly.My dad looked back up to my room.
"Ah, there she is. Why don't you come down here, Danielle?" My dad motioned for me to to greet them. I the descended the staircase to the policemen and my father.
"Ms. Moore. I'm Officer Keith Weyor and this is my partner, Officer Jeremy Sutton. How are you this afternoon?" One of the officers asked me. He was a tall man, probably in his late 30's. His chin and cheeks were framed by dark whiskers and his blue eyes stood out from his pale skin and black hair. The other was about 5'6. He looked pretty young. Possibly in his 20's. He had blonde hair and cleaned up very nicely. Both of them were intimidating, but on very different levels.
"I'm fine, thanks." I said.
"Why don't you guys come in and have a seat?" My dad gestured to the living room. The men entered and took a seat. My dad must've cleaned up for their arrival. The house was nice and clean. Quinton was not in sight and the house was as quiet as ever.
"So, Danielle. We understand that your friends have turned up to be missing. Do you mind telling us how you lost sight of them?" Officer Weyor questioned me. I told them the story, but left out the parts about Michael.
"Hmm, well do you happen to know anywhere they would've gone?" The tall policeman asked.
"No, this is the first time they've done this to me."
"Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt them?"
"Well, no not really."
"You didn't see them at all after they left you?"
"No, I already said that." I was starting to get annoyed already. And I was definitely showing it because when I looked over at me dad he was silently scolding me for having an attitude.
"Honey, they are just trying to help." My dad butted in.
"I understand, but if I knew something, I would tell them."
"Danielle, we only want to get your friends back to you." Officer Sutton said to me. I looked over at him, he had apologetic eyes. He played the part well. But the other guy didn't, he probably did this all of the time and didn't want to waste his time on punk kids like me.
After them trying to tear more answers out of little ol' answerless me, they finally left. They were going to get into Nadine's car to receive evidence and my belongings. I was already done with today and tired. As I walked towards the stairs my dad stopped me.
"Honey, why don't you eat something? I'm making dinner soon."
"I'm not hungry, thanks." I began walking.
"Dani..." I looked back at him and he had a concerned look on his face. "Don't go back to your old ways, sweetie."
"I won't, dad, I'm not like that anymore." I have him some reassurance.
"Well, whenever something like this happens you... always do this. I'm just looking out for you, because I care about you and it's my job as your dad-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's your job as my dad to make sure I'm taken care of. I've heard this over and over." I laughed at him. "I'll come down later to get some. I promise." I smiled at him then trudged to my bedroom.
Man, what a day. I'll be glad to have my phone back, it's been to long without it. Well, one day, but that's a long time for a teenager. I flopped down onto my bed and kicked my shoes off and onto the ground. I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes. I knew I couldn't go to bed fully clothed, but I was just gonna take a little nap. I hoped to dream about life being back to normal, because so far, I wasn't liking all that this one had to offer without Whitney and Nadine.
I fell asleep for about ten minutes when I was awoken by a tapping noise. I opened one eye and listened for where the sound was coming from. I sat up and looked around. The noise went off again and my left ear picked it up towards my window. I got up and walked over to it. I peered out and saw him, standing there in the rain. I opened the window and he smiled up at me.
"Oh god, this is like one of those cheesy unrealistic movies." I said to him as his light laughter rang out into the world and made my ears fall in love.

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