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so I added a new cover for this story & I really love it. I have A LOT of awesome things planned for this story. I feel as though it is coming together very nicely. I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading this. it means a lot to me. this story has opened me up to a new joy, I love writing it. every chapter I get more and more excited to share what I had wrote with you guys.

I also wanted to know if you guys had any ideas for me. I would love to talk to you guys. I already have interacted with a lot of girls from the 5sos fam & you all are so amazing and beautiful. you guys make me smile every single time I am down. I cannot express to you how much me loving this band has changed not only my out look on life, but my life in general.

keep voting and commenting, I love you guys with all of my heart. xxjordanxx

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