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Michael's POV

Dani fell asleep in my arms while we were on the couch, so I picked her up and took her to the guest bedroom. I laid her down and covered her up. Watching her sleep was entertaining. The way she would take slow and deep breaths. The way she looked so peaceful, so still. She was amazingly beautiful. She stood out from the white sheets and blankets. Her long brown hair spread out on the pillow. I smiled at the sight and walked out of the room.

Danielle was amazing. Ever since I moved here, I've never really had any motivation to talk to girls. But when I saw her, I knew I had to have her. I had to have her all to myself and she'd be mine. Now, I'm usually not all sappy and shit, but when it comes to her, I can't help but say these corny lines. My guard comes down and I let the walls that I've built up fall down. Some of my friends wouldn't like to see me do this. They kinda figured I would do this someday. But they are going to be shocked with how soon I let go. My friends weren't like this at all. They believe they're too cool for this kind of stuff. But it's actually very lovely.

As I walked down the hall, I caught sight of the closet by the front door. I shuffled towards it. I turned the knob, but it wouldn't budge. Sam probably locked it. He didn't want anyone going in their. I didn't want to anyways. I'm not even sure why I walked over here. By habit possibly? I used to spend hours in there. I hated that fucking door. It disgusts me now. I turned away and went up to my room. When I stepped inside sat down on the edge of my bed. I took out my phone and decided to call Danielle's dad. He had given me his number incase something happened. He bothered me to be honest. He's too nice. I think it was ll an act as was mine. I had to get him to like me. If he didn't how could I have Danielle? I had to earn his trust before anything else. But I think he bought my pathetic play. Poor guy. I went to his contact and clicked on it, the ringing ran out in my room as I put the call on speaker phone.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, Mr. Moore! It's Michael."

"Oh, hey Michael. Is everything alright?" He questioned me.

"Yes, everything is perfect. But I'm afraid your daughter has fallen asleep. She was exhausted, and I would feel bad if I awoke her."

"Oh, well if you would like, you can put her on the phone and I'll do it, she has school tomorrow and it's already.." He paused, most likely checking the time. "9:30."

"If you would like, I can drop her off at school in the morning and then pick her up after, then I can take her home." I suggested. Her dad was crazy if he let me do this. The man just met me today. But it was worth a shot.

"Hmm, I don't know. I would kind of like her home."

"I understand-"

"But I guess." Well, that was fucking easy. "I think you're a very trustworthy young man. Danielle doesn't really talk to many people outside from family and her two friends. She could really use a boy like you right now too from what's been going on in her life."

"Thank you, Mr. Moore, I won't let you down, sir." I said to him.

"Just call me Steven. Mr. Moore is my father. It makes me sound old." He let out a deep chuckle. "How many times have you heard a guy say that, Michael?"

"Almost too many times, Steven." We both laughed, mine a more fake one. But he bought it, and that's all that mattered.

"Alright, well I'll call you in the morning to check on you two. Take care of my baby girl."

"Will do, goodbye." We hung up and I sighed a breath of relaxation. I was glad that that was over. I sat at my computer and turned on some music, making sure not to blast it too loud so that Dani wouldn't wake up. I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Man, am I happy that I don't live here anymore. This room makes me want to throw up. I hated the red walls. They reminded me of blood. Which is kinda disturbing when you're trying to sleep. I could only stand to live here for a year but after that I had to get out. They didn't want to change the walls, so they left it the way it was. They left everything the way it was. The only thing I like about this room is the posters. The Pokemon poster is pretty fucking cool. I used to love Pokemon as a kid. But the band posters, I didn't quite recognize. Consider Me Dead isn't a familiar band name. Neither is Blood On The Dance Floor. Now I'm not one to judge someone's taste in music, but the Blood On The Dance Floor poster was.. interesting. The boys on the poster had crazy hair and don't get me wrong, I love hair like that. It's just that theirs was a little extravagant. They wore makeup too, not something I was into at all. Plus, they had colored contacts in their eyes. Wouldn't those bother you? Like does everything turn that color? I don't know, it just doesn't look like my type of music. I might have to give Consider Me Dead a try though. They didn't look so bad. I never really took the time to notice that poster, I just wanted to get out of this room as quickly as possible. Hell, I didn't even want to be here right now. I stood up and went out my door, shutting it behind me. I made my way down the stairs, turning the corner to Danielle's temporary room. I opened the door and heard a loud scream. I covered my eyes with my hands at the sight and laughed

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