Part 13 in which things don't get better

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The next morning as soon as the sky stops pouring buckets James leaves. We don't speak much in the morning, he barely looks me in the eyes when he thanks me for letting him stay. As the door closes behind him Tanner comes to stand beside me, resting an arm on my shoulder.

"I don't think he ever thanked us for saving him..." I don't reply, it was arguably my fault he even got kidnaped so I wouldn't expect a thank you. "Speaking of the daring escape..." Tanner grins turning to me, "I distinctly remember you placing the aforementioned human on my back without my full permission. I think you owe me a little something..." Tanner slid his arm down my back to catch my waist and pull me into his side. "What do you say we head back into your room and I'll find a way for you to repay me, huh?"

I would be intimidated by the expression he gave me if it didn't turn me on so much. "Fine," I agree with masked enthusiasm. 

"I need to go grocery shopping," I announce as Tanner pulls a shirt on over his head.

"Can I come with you?" He asks as his messy hair resurfaces from under the fabric

"Of course," I smile, pulling socks on my feet and finding my sneakers. 

We walk down to the lobby of my apartment building where someone is talking to the secretary. I know right away he's a werewolf and tense up. Tanner sees him too but doesn't seem as concerned, just... surprised.

"Taylor?" Tanner asks and the guy looks over, looking equally surprised.

"What are you doing here?" They ask each other in unison. I can't help but notice how attractive this Taylor guy is, is this one of the people Tanner used to sleep with?

"Martian, oh my God," Taylor shakes his head in shock, "I never thought I'd see you again."

"Me neither!" Tanner laughs a little, "what are you doing here? I thought you're pack was up in Massachusetts." Tanner used to live in Massachusetts?

"Most of them still are but..." the mood makes an obvious shift as Taylor drops his eyes, "Alpha Drake wanted to expand his territory." I feel dread fill Tanner at the name I glance from my mate to this new werewolf.

"Well your alpha better find some place else, because this is my territory," I step forward, standing tall in attempts to intimidate this new guy. Taylor looks at me for the first time. He's shorter than me so my attempts to tower over him are not completely in vain, but he doesn't look remotely intimidated.

"I thought pack life wasn't your thing, rogue," Taylor says to Tanner, basically ignoring me, and I don't miss the flirtation in his tone. This ticks me off. 

I step up on the stranger, "well he made an exception for his mate." My tone is as cold as my gaze  as I glare down at the attractive wolf.

"Cade..." Tanner puts an arm on my shoulder to pull me away but I don't flinch.

"It's okay, Art," Taylor uses what I assume to be an old nickname while meeting my gaze, "it's not the first time I've been cock blocked by an alpha."

"Taylor that's too far," Tanner's angry now too. He comes to stand next to me, putting a hand on Taylor chest to push him back a step. My eyes pull away from Taylor too look at Tanner who has a darkness to his gaze that sends shivers down my spine.

"My mistake," Taylor puts his arms up in a mock surrender. He takes a step back and looks like he's honestly not looking for a fight. "But you should know: Drake is going to be here tomorrow. So if I was you, I'd clear out now." He's talking to Tanner but I have to bite back a response of my own. "I think I'm going to look into a different building..." he turns and leaves through the door, Tanner and I stay there a moment absorbing what's just happened.

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