Part 20 in which the battle is fought

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Danny, Brooke, and I head straight for the main entrance while Tanner leads everyone else around to the back. The forest has an eerie quiet and the entrance only has a few guards which Brooke locates and Danny takes the out without a sound.

We set up the fire wood just inside the cave mouth and ignited it. The flame rose quickly and the smoke filled the air, pouring into the cave, just as planned. The three of us stay a bit longer to guard the entrance and make sure no one will try and make it past the flames. After a few long minutes we hear the howls and cries of battle deeper into the forest and we know it's begun.

We join the pack the by clearing outside the back exit, already the air is filled with growls and flying fur. The two she-wolves take no time to join the fray, but I am forced to stay back and watch it unfold from a distance. Danny pounces on a wolf her sister is currently fighting and bites down hard on the back of his neck.

I look around and find Tanner in the crowd. He's fighting with two smaller wolves, their fur the same color brown. They move with near perfect synchrony so I guess that they are twins. Tanner doesn't seem to have much trouble though, when the two of them launch at him he doges one while springing on the other. They each have their own mismatched scratches across their faces and flank from Tanner landing softer blows, he's going easy on them. One of them bares his teeth at Tanner, growling something, but Tanner gives a casual bark in reply and the two launch themselves at him again. He meets one of them in the air and bites down on their shoulder. I can hear the bone snap from where I stand and both the twins cry out in pain and scramble from the fight.

They aren't the only ones retreating at this point. There are a lot of omegas in the area and most of them are running at the first sight they aren't going to win the fight. Brooke is starring down an enemy pack member, they are growling low at each other, I can't make out what they're saying with all the other noise in the background but I can tell they must know each other. The enemy gives another growl and I'm worried Brooke might not attack him, until a howl rips through her throat and she jumps on him, surprising both me and her opponent.

My eyes continue to scan the battle field, watching my pack, wincing when they get hurt and celebrating their victories. We are doing well, everyone is still fighting and it doesn't look like anyone's received any major injuries at this point, but the enemies don't stop coming. 

"Alpha! Behind you!" I hear Brooke's howl and spin around in time to see an oversized gray mass landing on me. I hold up my arm to protect myself but I still fall to the ground on my knees. I roll with the fall and the beast lands heavily on his side. I whip out my knife and get into a defensive position at the same time the wolf gets to his feet too. He's easily a delta, maybe gamma, and huge. He has wild, blue eyes that glare at me from under his heavy brow. I tighten my grip on my knife and try to steady my breathing, I know if I get too worked up I won't be able to contain my wolf and I'll shift. 

The enemy wolf crouches, preparing to pounce, I brace myself, staring him down with as much intimidation I have. He bares his teeth before launching himself at me, his gnashing jaws first. I side step his head and plant my blade into his neck before the rest of his body catches up and I topple to the ground. Scrambling out from under him as fast as I can I whip my knife around, slicing a gash into his shoulder as I find my feet. He rounds to face me but I keep along his flank, moving with him and keeping out of range of his teeth.

After a few slashes his pelt I realize I'm going to need something with a bigger impact. After a deep breath I jump onto his back, locking my casted arm around his neck. He moves like a horse trying to buck me off but I hold tight and angle my knife to his throat. I hear my heart pound in my ears and I have to take another deep breath to calm down or I'll definitely shift. The enemy feels the blade against his neck and I feel his panic. He gives another heavy shake and successfully knocks me to the ground only to turn and run in the other direction.

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