Chapter 10

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Skyler’s POV

It was still 7:45am; we should arrive at Sereya at 8:30pm. I looked at Stella who was still sleeping. I wondered how she felt when I told her about my story, the truth was I never planned on telling anyone about my past with my half-sister but when Stella asked about it, I just felt that it was better to tell her about it and so I did and it felt great. Even after 7 years those memories were still very much alive inside my mind.

I signaled the flight attendant and ordered a cup of coffee. She bowed and went back. After a minute she came back with a coffee on her tray

“Here you go, Sir” the flight attendant said as she handed the coffee to me then I thanked her and got my coffee

I forgot to mix or blow my coffee, I immediately took a sip. The hotness of the coffee didn’t bother my mouth or tongue at all like it wasn’t hot. I turned the mini monitor on and watched a kind of comedy-drama while I drank my coffee

After 10 minutes of watching, I already emptied my coffee. Stella moved slightly, I looked at her who was waking up. She opened her eyes

“Hey, are we there yet?” She asked

“Almost. Want some coffee?” I said

“No thanks” She said. She looked at the clock in her mini monitor “It’s already 8” She said and I nodded

“How was your sleep?” I asked. She rubbed her eyes then she stretched

“Uh.. It was okay” She said. It was clearly not okay because her eyes were still red which I guessed from crying last night. I still couldn’t believe she was crying because of my story

“Why are you smiling at me?” She asked. I didn’t notice I was smiling

“Ah.. Nothing. Nothing, I just remembered something” I said in excuse

She chuckled “You know you should smile more. It looks better on you” She said

I gave her a smirk “By the way, we need to report our mission later to the headmaster” I said

“Oh.. You’re right. So we’ll meet on the afternoon maybe at 4 in front of the headmaster’s office?” She asked

“Hm.. What are our schedules for today?” I asked

“We can skip classes, you know” She said

“Oh.. Right”

“So I think I’ll have my coffee now”

“I thought you said you didn’t want it?”

“Well I changed my mind” She said and I nodded. I called the flight attendant for a coffee, she bowed and after a minute she came back with a coffee, she handed it to me then I grabbed it and gave it to Stella. She took it and took a sip

“AH! So hot!” She squawked when she felt the hotness of the coffee

I laughed out loud “Of course it’s hot it’s a coffee” I said. That was the first time I laughed so much after the death of Valentine.  

“This is your captain speaking we are now at Sereya. Thank you for choosing the flight ReihiemEx21, hope you enjoy our flight. We will land in a few seconds so please take your seat and fasten your seatbelt” The captain announced

“Finally, after our long dangerous mission I could finally-” She stopped when she yawned

“Looks like you didn’t get enough sleep” I said while we fastened our seatbelt

“Yeah. I woke up from time to time last night so I didn’t complete my sleep”

“You can rest for a moment later at your dorm” I said

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