|Shot 7| • Pure • |Jyatt|

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The sun was slowly setting over the frosted hill when two young teenage boys trudged through the fallen snow, making soft crunching noises as they walked. Their tracks were illuminated in bright colours of purple, orange, red, and golden yellow, the colours sparkling as they reflected off the compacted crystals.

Their names were Wyatt and Jaeden. They had been friends for awhile, and this was supposed to be the moment they confessed what they felt to each other for so long.

Neither of them knew it, however.

They had been obliviousy chasing each other for months. Their friends all knew of their affections and fondness for each other, but decided to not interfere, instead leaving the two to figure it out for themselves. It was inevitable.

And here they stood on the frozen hilltop, snowflakes gently falling onto their noses, brimming their coats with fluffy white crystals.

"God, it's so pretty here" the younger boy said, pausing to admire the view with awe-filled eyes.

The older boy turned to him and smiled, awe and affection washing over his expression and filling his emerald eyes. All the hues of the sky could not nearly compare to Wyatt's beauty.

Wyatt could feel Jaeden's gaze on him, and he turned to hold his gaze, looking into his emerald eyes glistening in the sun. Their crimson cheeks flushed bloody red from the cold, and the colour deepened as they gazed dreamily into each other's eyes.

Both acknowledged and appreciated their surroundings: no noise, no cars nor people, nothing to tear them apart or take away the utter bliss they both felt between them, their skin chilled by the frosty air but when looking into each other's eyes and seeing the other's smile...their hearts fluttered in warmth.

"It is" the older boy agrees, pericing the silence. "But I've seen something much more beautiful"

He gives the younger boy a warm smile, and turns his body from beside the younger boy to right in front of him. Wyatt didn't move, instead his lips slowly curled into a grin, his heart rate speeding up at the compliment from the boy he loved so deeply.

Jaeden was only an inch or two taller than Wyatt, but it never irked him. He fit perfectly with Jaeden's frame. He loved being able to hear Jaeden's heartbeat whenever they embraced. He loved the warmth that flowed through his body whenever Jaeden said his name, and whenever he touched him. Whenever Jaeden held him, Wyatt always wanted more, to never have to leave his arms.

Jaeden reciprocated these feelings. He loved being able to rest his chin on Wyatt's gorgeous head of golden curls. He loved when he would steal a glance at the boy only to find him already looking at him, gazing into his eyes, his golden brown eyes staring adoringly into his. He adored Wyatt with every fiber of his heart.

Jaeden pulled Wyatt into his arms and they watched as the sun slowly set, lost in each other's embrace and the electricity coursing through their veins.

It was a beautiful winter night, the sky pitch black but a full moon shone on the pure white crystals that littered the park grounds, the moonlight reflecting off the snow and slightly illuminating the dark sky, along with the frosted park's lampposts.

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