i n t r o

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what is life?

"the condition that distinguishes humans, animals and plants from inorganic matter, 

including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, 

and continual change preceding death."


a second chance... you'll be given a second chance...

you  deserve a second chance...


he opened his eyes as the dim light filtered through the cortains. he sat straight and realized he was on a bed because the material was soft under him. after rubbing his eyes he tried to open them and noticed he was inside a room. 

a curious room... but how did he get here?

his eyes toured around and he realized, it was simple, like any other room but it was his first time seeing it. the decoration was a bit uncomplicated, more like clean. that's it, that's how the room looked, clean.

the walls had a light grey color, only one of them had a dark navy blue tone that was somehow a bit attractive to the eye. there it was what he assumed was some kind of wardrobe all in white, like white wood. shelves with tons of books, cameras, all kinds of cameras. a plain desk, a light wood color with a white macbook on top of it. a mid-sized flat tv screen on a shelf at the back of the wall, pointing to the bed. the bed was simple, white and chic and the sheets were a similar blue to the wall in front of him. a couple of night stands same color as the wooden desk. it seemed like a very nice room, just as if it had been planned. 

looking around, he realized he was inside of a house or an apartment. but after he looked at the window, he realized through the white curtais that there was a tree outside and another house could be seen from there, he was definitely in a house.

he shook his head, confused about the dream he had the previous night. it was all dark and he only heard voices, more like whispers, saying "you'll get a second chance" still confused about the meaning of it, he didn't believe there was too much of it so he just shook it off those thoughts and put his feet on the ground. 

the floor was warm, he didn't know the reason why but it was a comfortable feeling for his feet. he stood straight and notice a white door on his left, right next to the nightstand next to him. he walked slowly and felt dizzy immediately but he got a hold on the wall next to him. 

soon the door flew open, words coming out of a mouth that somehow felt too high for such an early morning. 

"you're going to be late honey!" a female voice rang on his head, he soon felt a hand touching his shoulder to which he quickly reacted, taking a step back.

"kihyunnie...?" he turned around to find a woman in her mid 40's staring at him with a worried expression. "are you okay?" 


who was this woman? 

she looked at him expectant as if she was waiting for an answer. he swallowed hard as he looked at her and his surroundings, this room... 

"another bad dream?" she asked suddenly. the woman had gentle light brown eyes and was beautiful, she seemed genuinely concerned.

he just shook his head, hesitantely. was he alright? 

even though he was confused about everything he decided to play along with the woman. 

"i just woke up a bit dizzy." 

the woman sighed. "ahh... must be the medicines. by the way, i told you pick up your toys." she said running a hand through her thin dark brown hair and gathering the ps remotes and putting them away. "the doctor said it might cause side effects, like dizziness so it's probably nothing." she said with a warm smile, he just nodded. 

"yeah. i am sure it's that." 

"alright... just tell me if you keep feeling dizzy so we pay another visit to the doctor to maybe change the dosis or change the medicine." he just nodded and complied with whatever she said, it was better that way.

"i'll take a bath now." he said pointing to what he assumed it was the door to a bathroom. it was weird but he just wanted to be alone, to process better the current situation.

"ah right, we're going to be late and today is your first day so hurry up..." she said quickly walking towards the door and closing it behind. once he was alone he heard her voice from the hall. "breakfast is ready, by the way!" he remained silent and she took it as an okay and quickly did her way downstairs.

shaking his head he walked towards the door opened it, only to find a small bathroom, it seemed like it was surely part of the room, probably the personal bathroom since it looked like it had been decorated the same. 

he walked in and yawned as he looked around. the bathroom was rather small, he couldn't just walk around, the space seemed planned too. there was a small shower where he can barely fit in, the toilet and a sink with a recessed mirror.

and the mirror. 

he stood in front the mirror and blinked twice, swallowing hard just as if he was swallowing tons of needles, his eyes almost to the verge of tears.

"who are you?" he asked to the mirror reflection. 

he didn't recognize the boy in front of him. he didn't know him. he didn't know that bathroom, that room, the house or the neighborhood for the matter.

he didn't know the woman who walked inside, he didn't know. 

"who am i?"

a/n: hey guys! thank you so so much for waiting so patiently but we have a new story, as you may notice it is ANOTHER kihyun story because i came to realization that this is going to be a kihyun supremacy acc and i am not even ashamed. by the way, yesterday i had a beautiful dream with him that encouraged me to write this story. this is going to be an angsty story as you know, my favorite genre, with a bit of drama but also sweet romance. anyway, i hope you enjoy this story that is probably going to be a long one since there's some drama coming. get ready for it!! 

author g. 

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