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1x02 Second Chance at First Line

Stiles: I think it's wolfsbane.

Scott: What's that?

Stiles: Uh–Haven't you ever seen the Wolf Man?

Scott: No.

Stiles: Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains? The original, classic werewolf movie?

Scott: No! What?

Stiles: You are so unprepared for this.

(I love it when Stiles acts Mr. Know-it-all =D)


Sheriff: So you lied to me.

Stiles: That depends on how you define lying.

Sheriff: Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?

Stiles: Mm, reclining your body in a horizontal position? (I totally am using this XD) 

Sheriff: Get the hell out of here.

Stiles: Absolutely.


Coach: Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?

Stiles: Yes, I believe so, coach.

Coach: Interesting. Goal! Yes! Yes! There you go. Wha– Way to go, McCall! What? The ball's in the net.

Stiles: Ball's in the net.

Coach: That's the goal of the game, is get the ball in the net! We got it.

(That awkward moment O_o) 


Scott: I kissed her.

Stiles: I saw.

Scott: She kissed me.

Stiles: Saw that too. That's pretty good, huh?

(Only if it were me kissing him *sighs* ^_^) 


The media on the side *FANGIRLING* XD  ---->

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