Double Confession [BTS Jungkook & Jimin]

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Sorry I took so long to complete this request, I was busy with exams... Hope you'll like it :)


It hasn't even been a minute since school has ended and you could already hear the footsteps coming.

"I should get out of here now." You thought as girls from all classes started rushing into your classroom, screaming and crowding around your partner in class, A.K.A the most popular guy in school, Jeon Jungkook.

"Why are all these girls so obsessed over him? I mean, okay I get it, he's cute. But he's still just another person right? Aish, I can't even stay in class a little longer." You mentally ranted as you exited the classroom.

"Hey." Someone called from behind but before you could turn around, he back hugged you. "Let's go to somewhere else today." He said. You immediately recognized that voice, it was Jimin.

Jimin has been your best friend ever since middle school and he's the sweetest guy friend a girl could ever have. Although he's two years older than you, he's the only person you could feel completely comfortable with and he brings you over to his house everyday after school to help you study for the exams.

"Okay, where do you want to g—"

"No, she's mine." A familiar voice interrupted you.


He held your wrist and pulled you towards himself. "She's mine from now on, Jimin hyung." He proceeded to lift you up and carry you over his shoulder.

"What the— yah! You can't just take me away like this!" You struggled but he continued walking, ignoring your protest. "Jeon Jungkook, we look really stupid right now, people are staring. Put me down!"

'No' was the only reply he gave you. He carried you straight to his car, not even stopping to entertain the fangirls. "How could you just bring me here without permission? I was talking to Jimin oppa! You can't just do this!!"

"Shh." He placed a finger on your lips. "I can bring you to somewhere better." He signaled the chauffeur to start the car.

What's his problem this time...aish. You looked out the window, the place he's heading to was so foreign to you. He brought you into the mall, everything in there looked really expensive.

"Just pick whatever you like."

"Are you kidding me? I can't afford anything in here." You didn't even bother checking the price tags before walking out. Psh. These shops are just glamorizing everything and setting high prices even for the tiniest item so that the rich can purchase them to maintain their pride.

"What, did you think I'd let you pay?" He held you back while leaning against the doorway of the shop. "I'll buy it for you."

"W-What do you want? Why are you suddenly so nice, it's not like you..."

He's forever teasing you in class, and now he's offering to buy you something so expensive? This must be a trap.

"How dense can you be, isn't it obvious enough?" He said, looking through some of the accessories and trying them on you. "I like you."

No, he did not just—

"I like you." He repeated, sliding a ring onto your index finger. "A lot."

This can't be real.

The popular boy liking the ordinary girl? This scenario only happens in dramas.

"D-Don't...don't lie to me." You took off all the accessories he put on you. "And I don't want you to buy me anything. They're too expensive for me." You ran out of the mall and continued until that building is no longer in sight.

This is all too sudden. You sat down on a bench, taking a rest from all the running. As much as you wished to convince yourself that you didn't like him, you just can't deny the fact that you actually really do like him. Not because he's popular. You've liked him long before he even became famous.

"Yah." You heard Jimin's voice behind you. "Don't be so surprised, I didn't follow you here. I just know Jungkook enough to guess that he'll take you here." He took a seat next to you. "So...what's wrong?"

How does Jimin always know everything... You hesitated, unsure of how to answer him.

"Let me guess. Jungkook told you that he likes you, right?"

Damn, he really does know everything.

"I always knew it from the way he looks at you."

Jimin is scary. Really scary. You can never hide anything from him because he always finds things out.

"But why would he like me? He's always bullying me in class. If he liked me, he wouldn't do that."

"That's just his way of showing his affection. Be patient with him, he's actually really nice." He took your hand, gently pulling you up from the bench. "Let's go now, there's something I want to show you."

He brought you to the park near his house, where both of you always hang out together. "I was going to bring you here just now...and give this to you." He untied a helium balloon from the children's playground in the park and handed it to you, a diary was attached to the end of the string. You opened it, a message was written on the first page.

Hey :) so we've been friends for quite a long time now, but... I don't want to be friends anymore. I don't want to just be your best friend, I want to be more than that. I've liked you ever since the day we met 3 years ago. This diary is for you to write all the things that made you happy everyday. I hope my name will always appear in here. Before I end this message, I just want to tell you that you never fail to make me smile and... I love you. Please accept my love ♥

You were completely shocked after reading that message. How can this be happening...

"But I don't think you'll need this now." He tore off the page containing that message and crushed it.

"Jimin oppa..."

"It's okay." He tried to hide the tears in his eyes. "I know you like Jungkook. I always knew it."

At this point, you didn't know what to say or do anymore. Two confessions in just one day, one from your crush since middle school and another from the best friend you love the most. Please just let this be a bad dream...

"I just thought that since I treat you better than he does, you would pick me." He looked up and smiled at you. "But it's okay. As long as you're happy with him, I'm fine."

"I'm sorry, Jimin oppa...I'm sorry I didn't know how you felt until now. Sorry that I've hurt you..." You wiped his tears off using your sleeve.

"Yah! Why did you just run off like that? Do you know how long it took me to finally find you here?" You heard Jungkook shouting at you.

Jimin took your hand and pulled it away from his face. "Go back to Jungkook now. He's the one who can really make you happy."

You felt tears filling up your eyes. How could he still be so nice when you've caused him to have his heart shattered for 3 years straight?

"Why are you crying? What did he do to you?" Jungkook questioned, walking up to the both of you and wiping your tears with his thumb. You didn't answer him. This is too much for you to handle, right now you just felt like crying.

"Jungkook-ah, please take care of her well and help her in class. She's weak in certain subjects but she'll get it if you explain to her clearly. And, she often forgets to have lunch when she has extra lessons in school so be sure to buy her some food. Although she likes to believe that she's strong, she actually needs a lot of care and support so remember to show more concern and be sensitive towards her. That's all I can tell you now. Treat her well or I'll take her away from you." Jimin said. He turned to you and petted your head. "Don't cry, pabo. We'll still continue to be best friends, don't let this affect our friendship. I'm going home now, he will send you home today."

Jimin left before you could even respond. You wanted to go after him but Jungkook stopped you with a back hug.

"Don't leave me, I love you." He sounded sincere for the first time. "I know I always make fun of you in class, but I'm serious this time." He kissed your forehead without giving you time to react.

"I love you and I always will."

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