10 Things I Hate About Her [EXO Sehun]

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*Sehun's POV*

This letter is written specially for her.

No, not because I like her. In fact, I hate her. A LOT.

That girl. She ruined my life. And the following will be a list of 10 things I hate about her.

I hate :

1) How she's always trying to help everyone.

I mean, why is she going around helping others with their homework when she should be paying attention only to me? Uh...not that I want her attention or anything, but she was the one who promised to help me get better grades. She shouldn't be bothering about the rest, they can get their own tutors.

2) Her annoyingly effortless attractive appearance.

She's in a school, not a photo shoot. Why does she have to look so good even just in uniform? Is she trying to seduce all the guys in school with that cute face? Just stop it, girl. Don't try to fight with me for the ulzzang title. I'm the real ulzzang, you won't win me.

3) Her smile.

Those annoying little sparkling white teeth. Whenever she smiles, it makes me sick. I get this weird feeling around my chest which makes my heart pound faster. Then, I would subconsciously smile too. Urgh. What is she? Controlling me like this.

4) When she 'steals' my bubble tea.

Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY touches my choco bubble tea without my approval and gets away with it. Except for her...but I swear I didn't let that happen intentionally. She took a sip out of my drink while I was doing the math questions she taught me, without my permission. But after that, when I drink it, it seems to taste nicer than before. What exactly did she do to my bubble tea?

5) How she's so nice all the time.

I folded a piece of unwanted paper into a plane and threw it at her, she picked it up and smiled at me. I mean, she's supposed to get mad right? Why is she smiling, it makes me sick around my chest again. Aish!!

The hyungs always tease me and say "Omo, you're in love. Our Sehunnie has finally grown up."

What, in love with her? Yeah, right. That's never going to happen. I hate her, why would I ever be in love with her? Pshh... These hyungs are so ridiculous.

6) How she always has that nice smell.

She would walk past me occasionally and leave her scent behind. Urgh. That distracts me and I can't concentrate on my work. No that's not because I like her okay, I just...like that smell I guess.

7) The way she allows the other guys to hang around her.

Shouldn't a girl be more cautious about being around boys? Who knows what they might do. Told her not to wear that short skirt but she just gave me a stupid excuse like "That's the school uniform."

My friends say that I'm just jealous because I like her. Seriously? Me, Oh Sehun, likes her? You must be kidding me. I'm not jealous and she's probably the last person I'd ever like.

8) How she keeps appearing in my mind.

I'm scared of her. What did she do to me? She appears so often in my mind, sometimes even in my dreams! Girl, will you just leave me alone?! Stop making me think of you. It makes my heart sick, beating faster for no apparent reason. Are you trying to kill me?

I remember when she was sick and couldn't make it to school. Finally, I had peace in class. No more of her sweet scent and smile. But that didn't seem to get rid of the thought of her.

In fact, she's all I could think of that day. I even went to her house after school to check on her. What was I thinking... I hate her right? Why did I care?

9) Her petite physique.

She's so small and cute...uh I mean, short. She hugged me once when I received an award. It was a horrible experience.

Heart rate increase and that weird feeling in my stomach...but that actually made me smile?! Damn, she's driving me crazy.

10) The fact that she always manages to cheer me up.

Regaining my happiness because of someone I hate? This is so wrong... She never fails to make me smile and it's getting really frustrating. It's like her presence could already make me feel better. How is that even possible?

Everyone keeps telling me "Admit it, Sehun-ah, you love her."

Let me repeat myself. I do not love her, she's ruining my life!

Making me smile when there's no reason for it, think of her instead of concentrating on studying, and I think I've contracted some kind of heart illness because of her.

I don't even have these issues with any other girl. She's the only one who's able to make me feel like this. It's almost like she could control me... What's wrong with me, how could I just allow her to do this to me?

Luhan hyung snatched this letter from me while I was writing it and read it out loud in front of all the members. Everyone agreed that I like her.

If I like her, why would I say that I hate her?

He rolled up the letter and hit me with it. "That's because you love her, pabo!" He scolded. "But you're afraid to admit it, so you're trying to convince yourself that you hate her." Suho hyung said.

Aish. Why are they all telling me the same thing?

Do I...like her?

She walked into our waiting room carrying a bouquet of flowers and handed it to me. "Congratulations for winning again, Sehun!" She smiled and hugged me.

Arghh...my heart..and that tingling feeling in my stomach again.

Nobody has ever made me feel this way before. She's the first...and only one.

Maybe they're right, I like her. Or maybe...

I love her.

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